Canvas Ideas

Ideas are submissions from Community users. Instructure reviews these ideas weekly. Relevant ideas are mapped to themes. Community users vote on themes biannually to help prioritize themes.

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1020 Ideas in: Added To Theme

It would be helpful to be able to write-in a short statement about what exactly was changed on an Assignment or Page so students have context for important changes to expectations, additional support ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

Currently, when a student makes a comment on his/her submission, the teacher will receive a message for that comment via a daily/weekly digest email.However, in the teacher's mailbox, only the message...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

The ability to copy a list of emails (separated by commas) into the "Send to.." field on the content sharing page would be a game changer for sharing content more widely. At this time colleague email ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

It seems like quiz names have to be changed twice -- in the module, and in the quiz. This is a problem. New Quizzes is filled with these little inconsistencies that make what has such potential extrem...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

It would be helpful for instructors to be able to download all quiz submissions. For example, if an instructor wants students to use the Respondus LockDown Browser for a quiz that has a few essay type...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

It would be really great if teachers that were manually added to courses, not via SIS, could remove themself from the course. Especially when we have guest teachers and substitutes.  Thank you.   

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 2 Replies

So, after several weeks I'm halfway through a chapter and have published a large number of worksheets and lecture notes for my students.  Finally today, a student tells me he can't see an item I just ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Sometimes I enter an assignment for which I give everyone credit.  So I quickly enter the completion grades, scrolling down the column in the gradebook.  The trouble is, if I'm going fast, the cursor ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

On the Canvas Dashboard when in card view users see the course title, term, and then icons for what is in the course (assignments, discussions, etc.). Idea Suggestion: Add in the ability to change th...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

Hi Community, we can't add more than one attachment in an announcement, this is a problem when you need to send several documents to people in your course. Canvas can you do something?

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

The admin course search previously included a last page hyperlink to jump to the last page. Speaking to Canvas support, we understand that this functionality was removed to improve the performance of ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

The ability to use the Import tool to copy a Canvas course into itself should be disabled.  There is no reasonable use for such a feature, and when instructors mistakenly choose the existing course as...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

It’s been confusing for my students (and for me at times) that you have to click the title of an announcement and not any part of the preview. I have had students who were using the “reply” option as ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

It would be great to have a "Select All" button at the top of the rubric's column that represents a score of 100%. This would permit graders to more efficiently grade assessments with multiple grading...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

I don't see a way to create multiple sub-outcomes within an outcome in Canvas. We we design courses, learning designers always disconstruct a main learning goal into several sub-learing objectives whi...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

One benefit of mastery connect was an option to do a quick-add of a score on a standard without having to actually create an assignment. So many times, teachers will have conversations with students a...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

I am new to Canvas and overall have been enjoying the Collaborations feature to allow students to more easily collaborate on Google Drive in a way that is easily linked to class.  However, I have an i...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

We cannot add Comment Out tags in the HTML Editor and need this ability to help designers edit home pages.

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

I use timed quizzes and tests in my classes. I noticed that the quizzes autosubmit as soon as the time runs out, even if the student isn't done. However, I'd rather allow them to finish even if it's b...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

Please add an alert of some sort to warn teachers whenever they try to change an existing Assign To field in an assignment or quiz by removing a student or set of students from the list after student ...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies