Canvas Teacher Freezing

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Community Novice

I have used Canvas Teacher for months on my Android phone without issues. During the past 24 hours, I try to look at student work to grade it, and the application completely freezes, devoid of navigation ability. I have to cancel the application and then I try again to get in. I have tried this at least 4x without success. I checked my Android settings to make sure that I had the most recent system version and I do. I uninstalled and reinstalled Canvas Teacher and that made no difference. Although I can use Canvas on my laptop, I need to be able to access it via my phone as well. I have tried my campus's IT department and they gave me a version of a work-around where I have to use the browser on my phone to get to Canvas. This is clunky. HELP! I called corporate Infrastructure and there was no human to help with Customer Service so I have no choice but to post this here. 

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @jensenama 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with the app freezing on the android for you. It sounds like you have gone through a handful of options to try and get this resolved. You may want to consider clearing the cache on your android device as it shouldn't be freezing for you like this:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Android browser: Go to Menu > More > Settings or Menu > Settings > Privacy & Security.
    Chrome: Go to Menu > Settings > Privacy.
  3. Android browser: Tap Clear cache, Clear history, and Clear all cookie data as appropriate.
    Chrome: Tap Clear browsing data at the bottom of the screen, leave the defaults selected (browsing history, cache, and cookies), then tap Clear.

Is it freezing for you in the speedgrader?Are there many students in the class? Some very large courses may take a while to load the content. Likely, we would need more specifics to troubleshoot this further. I understand you tried to contact Canvas Support to no avail but they are open 24/7 and at the least, you  could send them an email and they will get back to you if your school doesn't have chat/phone support.  

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