I can't download my course content from the settings page, no courses are available to download.

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Hello, I am a student. When the semester ends, my old classes usually disappear from my Canvas and are no longer accessible so I lose access to the class materials unless I've spent time downloading all of it.When I found out that there is a way to "download course content", I was excited. So I go to my Canvas settings and find the button to download course content. When I click it, none of my courses are listed as options, no current or past courses, and the only current course that is available is from a student organization I joined. Why is this?

On another note, I wanted to give a feature suggestion. When I download submissions from the settings page, it should download the teacher-annotated submissions too because they would contain valuable feedback. But I don't have enough reputation yet to suggest features, which is frustrating. 😑


Thank you for checking my post to help me!



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Community Team
Community Team

Hi @AndyTraver ...

Hello, I am a student. When the semester ends, my old classes usually disappear from my Canvas and are no longer accessible so I lose access to the class materials unless I've spent time downloading all of it.When I found out that there is a way to "download course content", I was excited. So I go to my Canvas settings and find the button to download course content. When I click it, none of my courses are listed as options, no current or past courses, and the only current course that is available is from a student organization I joined. Why is this?

This isn't something that Canvas Community members will be able to answer here.  Your best bet is to reach out directly to your Penn State's Canvas administrator(s), and they would be able to help you determine whether or not downloading your course content is still available to you.  This might be someone in their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department.  Your instructor may also be able to help you determine who this is so you can have these conversations.

On another note, I wanted to give a feature suggestion. When I download submissions from the settings page, it should download the teacher-annotated submissions too because they would contain valuable feedback. But I don't have enough reputation yet to suggest features, which is frustrating. 😑

It's great that you'd like to submit a Feature Idea here in the Community!  However, I noticed that you are currently a New Member, and you need to participate a bit more before you can actually submit new ideas.  Once you "rank up" (similar to "leveling up" in games), then you can start posting Feature Ideas.  I'd suggest looking through the following documents:

I hope all this information will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions for us here in the Community.  Take care...be well.

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@AndyTraver Before you consider trying to download a complete course, or even part of a course, you need to first contact your instructor for permission to do so. Your instructor may be fine with it, but he or she may not be. You need to respect and follow your instructor's wishes in regards to the course content that he or she has created.

Online courses, like face-to-face courses, meet for a certain period of time - a quarter or a semester. You're paying to take the course for that period of time. Therefore, most college and universities restrict access once the semester is over. It's just like a face-to-face class. If you enroll in English 101 for Fall 2022, you couldn't expect to continue showing up for class in Spring 2023. 


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