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Student not receiving course invitation

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Community Novice

Two students have not received the email from Canvas to join the course. The course is Published and Canvas says the email has been sent, but students have not received it. I am the instructor. Yes, we have checked their spam and trash folders. For their login, it gives me a very long number (21 digits long) whereas my other students all use their school email addresses for their login (or log in with Google). How can the students receive the invitation to join the course? Is there a way to change the student login from the number to their email address (I'm assuming Account > Settings).

1 Solution
Community Contributor

It sounds like their account information is inaccurate. I would suggest reaching out to your Canvas admin to verify that the correct email addresses have been used.

In the meantime, since it sounds like you are in contact with the students, you could use a workaround by enabling self-enrollment for your course and giving the students the join code or secret URL.  You can learn how to do that via the help guide below:

How do I enable course self-enrollment with a join code or secret URL? 


This response was created by one of Instructure’s PandaPros. All Canvas and Mastery Connect users are encouraged to schedule a free 1:1 coaching session between July 18 and September 18, 2022. Learn more by reading our blog!

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