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I am in the process of gathering a few examples of stellar templates for use in Canvas for a high school project. Can anyone recommend or share lesson/assessment/discussion/etc. templates for me to review? I started looking in Commons, but there are ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When working through a course as a student I often find myself popping back out to the module screen to see my progress and where I am in the module.  "Am I halfway through and should take a break?", or "Just two more pages and a quiz and I'm done, I...

  • 19 Replies

Is there a place I can get access to the native Canvas icons in graphic format? - I've already found the discussions in instructions on using the  anchor class to call the icons, but that it a limited use case.   I'm developing a series of icons/ but...

  • 1 Replies

I have a faculty who creates their quiz using a text file, in our old LMS (blackboard) she could easily upload into the file. I know using respondus you can upload a word document into Canvas but do any other workaround exist for this instructor?

  • 4 Replies

I'm wondering, would the Canvas community be interested in creating an interactive crowd-sourced Canvas course?  The content would perhaps not be relevant so much as we could have a place where we could have a sort of show-and-tell platform where we ...

  • 34 Replies

  I watched the keynote for the #instcon today, and was told to contact my ... oh, whatever cute jargon name Canvas has for somebody to contact... if I wanted to beta test the branching options to gamify activities and quizzes.   I think I might -- b...

  • 15 Replies

Hi all.  I am trying something this term that I thought I would share with you.  One of the courses that I teach is a graduate level class discussing instructional technology.  I periodically email the students relevant articles and blog posts in ord...

  • 19 Replies

Hi all,          Despite in Canvas Documentation says that "Delete a user" process cannot be undone (How do I delete a user from an account?) , we have the situation where a user was deleted but when an application tried to create it again with the s...

  • 17 Replies

How do you shut off the "Course Stream" so it is not visible to students.  It misleads them.  None of your guides indicate how to do it.Frank Hatstat, JD, MBA

  • 14 Replies

Maybe it's just that everyone is too busy to shepherd the idea of commenting our HTML code in Canvas, but please don't be too busy not to vote for this idea. Currently in Canvas, all <!--comments--> get stripped out of code. I can't imagine why comme...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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Can you create links to subheaders of sections down the page at the top that will allow users to jump via link? I'm working on a page that will be a long directory list, and we do not want to use accordions. This type of page may be developed for oth...

  • 15 Replies

Recently our district visited another school district who paid a group of teachers to create lesson materials and another group of teachers and administration to review and approve created materials. They had a very detailed plan that encompassed cou...

  • 3 Replies

I am developing a course using canvas that involves the study of HTML.I wish to display the elements of the form tag. I notice that canvas doesn't render these form element tags in a content page.For example, I wish to render an example of a textarea...

  • 4 Replies

With this statement that just came out today from LeRoy Rooker, what will be Instructure’s take on this interpretation of FERPA?  What will your institution's take be on this interpretation?Ask the FERPA Professor| resources| AACRAOEssentially, LeRoy...

  • 163 Replies

Does Canvas have the ability to hide the Course Status block? I created nice headers and the image is now compressed due to the Course Status box on the right? Note this is with the new UI.Any suggestions would be appreciated!!GailGail Chambersgailc@...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

This may be a dumb questions, but are you not able to unpublish your sandbox? I hit publish to test it out and show a colleague, and then the publish/unpublish buttons disappeared. I have done this before on other courses, and I just hit unpublish. H...

  • 3 Replies

Has anyone been involved with a SF / Canvas integration - if so what were the key drivers & benefits?

  • 11 Replies

Is there a setting or CSS hack to have all replies in a discussion collapsed when a user enters the page so they can focus on the individual top-level threads?I found an old comment in the feature request to improve the discussion layout that mention...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 7 Replies

I thought I was going nuts for awhile but in this test page I have noticed that Heading 2 and 4 seems to have proper spacing between the lines but heading 3 as more spacing. Does everybody else see this? We haven't done much customization so I don't ...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 15 Replies

Help! I'm having an issue issue with a SCORM file. I've never had problems before. I can see the file just fine from the SCORM page, but it won't display from modules or the button on the homepage I've linked to the assignment. The assignment and cou...

  • 10 Replies

I really like that we now have the inactive status for students. This helps to clarify the data for instructors; however, it can be confusing because Canvas is inconsistent on when and where it shows this data. I just added a " modifiedtitle="true" t...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

Has anyone experienced issues with respect to Kaltura quiz assignments inconsistently writing grades to the gradebook?Thank you,James

  • 3 Replies

I'd like to consolidate the various ideas and discussions that have appeared over the past 18 months, and renew this request for everyone to vote on.I'm one of 4 course designers, and we've been using CIDI Labs (formerly Kennethware) Design Tools to ...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 12 Replies

Quick question, is it currently possible to give 100% credit to a question for 3 of the possible answers (let's call them A, B, C) out of 4? I know you can use regrade to give full credit for 2 possible answers, and there is an option to give everyon...

  • 8 Replies

Does anyone know how to get an image on a canvas page become a pop up so that full detail can be seene.g for thisI know there is at feature idea at but i need a solution now if possible

  • 18 Replies

There is a feature request to allow additional file types to preview in Speedgrader posted and open for voting until July 6th. Please vote if you would like to see additional file types supported for use with Speedgrader.Thank you!

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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So, I've been working with some faculty to incorporate gameful learning practices into their Canvas courses and I thought it might be useful if I started sharing some of the techniques (hacks) I've come up with. Here is a quick tip for creating a gam...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Is there a global setting that can be applied to special student profile that extends quiz time instead of manually editing each quiz for student ? I have a student with special needs who requires additional time for quizzes.Instead of manually exte...

  • 7 Replies

Happily our district is making the move to Canvas this Fall (full implementation Spring 2017).  As such I am supporting faculty in moving their content from our previous LMS (blackboard) into Canvas.  All has gone fairly smoothly until today when I m...

  • 2 Replies

Stupeflix Presentation​Make videos online with photos, clips, music - StupeflixStupeflix is a free, online tool for creating videos.  You can incorporate still images, videos, add audio, use "text 2 speech" for slide narration, add soundtrack audio/n...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies