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Hello Canvas Community, What if your Canvas account gets hacked? Is there any way to get it back? 

  • 2 Replies

I was taking my 2-hr final exam on canvas & with lockdown browser & had 2 questions & 16 minutes left when I attempted to scroll upwards & the screen went blank & froze. It has now passed the deadline for the exam, & when I look at the course from my...

  • 1 Replies

students using Macs are submitting assignments using Pages.  Their assignments appeared completed before.Recently submitted assignments with the .pages extension are appearing blank now.

  • 3 Replies

Can I, as a teacher, upload a student's assignment to CANVAS on their behalf? In other words, if a student sends me an assignment via email, can I upload their work to CANVAS? Or that something only a student can do?

  • 1 Replies

I set the grades to be hidden for one of my assignments and graded it using the speed grader with a rubric, I typed my comments and grade in rubric. However, I received emails from students questioning their grades. It seems that they are still able ...

  • 1 Replies

When in Gradebook, I click on a student's name, and the side panel opens with their grade, how missing tasks, and how many late tasks.Could Canvas develop a link that shows a hyperlinked list of the missing tasks?This would be useful for teachers to ...

  • 1 Replies

Earlier this year, my boss turned on the option to block non-admin users from generating access tokens. Recently, we've looking through the list of user-generated access tokens associated with student accounts and exploring how and whether to delete ...

  • 9 Replies

I have a Canvas quiz where a student has every question wrong, I've marked all the items as zero, and Canvas is giving full points--even after adding negative fudge points. How is this possible? Below, there is an example of an item scored zero (this...

  • 4 Replies

Is this feature available in New Quizzes?  See picture below.  Thank you for any feedback.  

  • 4 Replies

Our district creates 1st semester and 2 semester courses for each teacher.At the beginning of 2nd each student is rerostered into their new courses.However, some teachers teach whole year courses.One teacher has created an ongoing project within Canv...

  • 1 Replies

Some students are using Dell Touch-Screen capable Chromebooks.  When they attempt to use the touchscreen to complete a Student Annotation Assignment the touch-screen just scrolls with the touch.  The students have to use the track-pad or a mouse to u...

  • 2 Replies

I am planning to create a Mastery Path for certain competencies and lesson but I am having trouble in the Path or sequences. My initial plan was to have a pretest, that will determine the path lesson or track. If the pretest was great it will proceed...

  • 2 Replies

Hi Brains Trust...Does anyone know if there is a way to update information between shells....?I am a teacher, and we teach a course which is broken up into 3 different phases. The students have a "home shell" which has assessment records for the enti...

  • 1 Replies

How can I invite fellow colleagues who are also teaching AP African American Studies.  Tried on "people" page for the course but could not find them.

  • 4 Replies

I think I am able to set an access code for a "classic" quiz, but I don't see that same option for a "new" quiz. Is there a way to set an access code?

  • 3 Replies

I set a default grade for an assignment but now I would like to delete it.  Is there way to do that?

  • 1 Replies

I don't think any of my browser settings/computer settings/custom Canvas Themes are causing this. I'm a bit sick of having to press enter/insert newline to get the g, y, p, etc. glyphs to display fully. Anyone else have this problem? Seems like an ea...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I assign a specific number of points to my assignments, yet the Gradebook does not show the points.How can i get the Gradebook to show points?

  • 3 Replies

After 3 years, I still get hopelessly lost on this website, so I hope this is the right place to post this request. Otherwise, can someone point me where to post this?   Instructure, you have been adding 'archive' options, first with grading schemes,...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I'm Chu Pei Shan, student MINTFM C2022.  I have completed the Masterclass Diabetes Management in GP up to 100%, however, after I refresh the page, it goes back to 57%. Even I tried to redo and complete it again, however, this occurs again after I...

  • 1 Replies

To the pronouns can you add She/them

  • 1 Replies

Wondering if anyone else has successfully used the Microsoft Teams Meeting menu option in a course to actually create a meeting, when using Chrome or Firefox web browsers? No problem in Edge, so I'm assuming that it's a MS account sync thing that all...

  • 1 Replies

Looking at creating calendar events for class with a link to a Teams meeting. I can create an Teams meeting in pages or discussions with no issues, but I cant seam to get a link into the calendar.   Anyone got an idea?

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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As an instructor, how can I find out which group an individual student is in?  Per the Canvas instructions, all groups are collapsed by design, nor is there any way to search. Groups can be open/viewed by opening each one through clicking the arrow, ...

  • 2 Replies

This symbol is on my canvas page and is very confusing.

  • 1 Replies

Does Canvas still provide technical support for Classic Quizzes?  If so, how much longer will this be available?

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone,We have the following situation.On our Canvas environment we use o Microsoft 365 / OneDrive to host our content.For each course we create modules and items to the students as an extern url.Until a few days it worked as it should, but then...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I have an instructor who has had difficulty staying under our institution's 2 GB storage limit per course. For a new course she is building, she wants to ensure she's staying under the storage limit, but no matter what, it is showing "0% of 2 GB used...

  • 7 Replies

One of our shell courses edited their page instead of the blueprint page and broke the sync. Normally we go to the blueprint and click the LOCKED button to fix this, but currently when we click it on the affected page it says "Locked: no attributes l...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I am not able to get one of my module's content to appear in a course.I went into settings and moved the module to a different locationI have disabled, saved, re-enabled, savedthe module and each of the content items have green check marks next to it...

  • 4 Replies