Free For Teacher Canvas Users Discussions

Free For Teacher Canvas Users questions and discussion forum

I'm doing a course with just 35 students (adults), and I'm new to Canvas and LMS as a whole.  I've got my HR person looking for someone with Canvas experience who can help create a professional-looking platform and advise our design and use through D...

  • 7 Replies

Hello All!I am completely new to Canvas. I have successfully signed up for the "Free for Teachers" version. Is it possible within this version to set up videos that have quiz questions embedded in them? (like Edpuzzle if you happen to be familiar wit...

  • 4 Replies

I will no longer have access to canvas through my school and can not pay for a separate account. I do not want to lose the courses I have. I know you can download a course but the zip files only include a html document and links are not working. It s...

  • 1 Replies

My UI misbehaves and leaves a big white space at the right of the screen (as seen in the image) and even if you clear cache or refresh the page or use a different browser it doesn't go back. any way to fix this problem?

  • 6 Replies

Hi.  Just starting to use Canvas.  Is there a maximum number of Users that can be Students in the free version?  Or a max number of them that can be signed in at once?  Also, I know there's a max of 500 Mb of content per course, but is there a limit ...

  • 2 Replies

I am developing a LTI 1.3 Advantage tool.  I have used the Free For Teacher account to test my LTI 1.1 implementation. If I understand things correctly, I need to go to the Admin menu to add an LTI 1.3 Advantage tool, but my Free For Teacher account ...

  • 3 Replies

Does UIC use Canvas?I am a part-time instructor who has been using Blackboard for several years.I've recently wanted to use multiple-choice questions based on a short case. I can load the multiple-choice questions into Blackboard but I have not found...

  • 1 Replies

I am using the free Canvas Template to learn Canvas and to create a course that I will teach in August.Can I upload the Canvas Template that I am working on to the college (UNT) system?   I appreciate your help. M.T. 

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Hello- If I am leaving a CANVAS school how can I get a copy of my classes/modules etc?? Thanks, Dave

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My students are continually being kicked out and have to sign in with new credentials to access a course that they are already logged in for.

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So I may not be returning to my current school in the fall and I've spent the last 2 years creating wonderful content on Canvas that I don't want to lose. I tried moving my course to the commons but when I check it out, only the bare shell made the m...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I created a FFT course and manually added my students using their email addresses. Many of them have not yet joined the course even after I have re-sent the invites multiple times. I'm wondering if the course invitation emails are going to thei...

  • 2 Replies

Good Monring, I am using the FFT i have account and dashboard but no admin function - can anyone help with why i have no admin button on the left hand pane of my account? Thank you

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I am leaving my district to a school that doesn't use canvas. How can I export canvas in a way that I can view the curriculum in my modules without a district login? Or can I make a sandbox in a personal canvas account?

  • 1 Replies

I'm a new user to Canvas as an instructor (FFT). Is there a way to set a grading system for quizzes to pass/fail, with passing score set at 80% or higher? And if the student fails, is there a way for Canvas to have it automatically allow a retake of ...

  • 2 Replies

I'm a new user to Canvas as an instructor (FFT). Within a course, can I assign only specific pages or modules to certain students? Not all of the students enrolled to a particular course will need to complete every activity posted.

  • 2 Replies

I'm a new user to Canvas as an instructor (FFT). Is there a limit to the # of students I can enroll to my courses? I have 8 different courses and will have varying amounts of students I need to assign to each course.

  • 3 Replies

In my school, one teacher created a free account under Another (me) under Students have randomly landed in each of these two places depending on whose class they had first. In theory, this can work because...

  • 2 Replies

Hey Community   I want to delete my instructure/canvas account that I accidentally created for free. I do not use the account, and don't want to keep the account. Any help please?

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How do i get Canvas studio in canvas?

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone, I have a teacher account with Canvas FFT.  I am facing a problem when my students login to the account.  The link for logging in provided to them is This link asks for Email and password.  If the student pr...

  • 3 Replies

Not sure if anyone else realized this, but if you click on the floating support button and either send an email or attempt to phone, you won't have any luck. I sent multiple emails over the past month and finally sent a ticket through the "Report a P...

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Free For Teacher Canvas Users
  • 0 Replies

Delete a Course option does not appear on the FFT accounts. Plus, when a user asked a question, they were told it was an administrator option issue. But we don't have administrators for FFT accounts. How do we do this? I have too many classes and am ...

  • 5 Replies

I have had a FFT account for the past 5 years. I have noticed several changes with the options that are available. Last week I was able to have my students submit a link to their google slides. Yesterday, I had students submit a link to their google ...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to import material into a class from my shell course and it is failing saying "error running course export". I have been using this all year and never had an issue but all of a sudden I do. I need it fixed now!!! But since I am using the ...

  • 2 Replies

Dears,    When shall I use the participant role? Thanks

  • 7 Replies

I know that the New Quizzes are already available in paid versions of Canvas. Has anyone been able to find any updated info about when those of us with free accounts will be able to access the New Quizzes?   Thanks!

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when adding students to the course, are they required to have an educational email address?

  • 3 Replies

I've found the instructions to unconclude a course in the paid version of Canvas. However, it requires admin access, and I don't see the same options in my FFT account. Is it possible to unconclude a FFT course?

  • 3 Replies