Community Blog

The Community blog provides updates and stories from the Community Team and Community Members. Share your Community story with us!

I'll be honest: I love just about everything about the New Gradebook.

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One of my favorite quick and easy ways to reach out to students and keep in contact with them is the "Message Students Who" option in the gradebook! 

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I love the way you tell me what to do every time I log in with the To Do list on the right side of the Dashboard. 

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“How do we love thee, let us count the ways”... Never mind, that would take us 601,770 minutes, or 10k hours, at a minimum [that’s allocating one minute for every Community member]! Let’s do a little contest instead!

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In honor of you, our educator superheroes, the Instructure Customer Success team (CSMs, Support, Community, Training, and Partnerships) combined our individual do-gooder powers to give back and serve in our communities around the world this holiday s...

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I’ve noticed a word pop up a lot lately in the Community.

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It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when a community coalesces but since at least 2011 people have been interacting with Instructure and helping each other with Canvas in online forums and message boards. In those early days, a few hundred people...

Instructure Instructure
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Community Updates

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Last week I was lucky enough to go to the sold out CanvasCon in Sydney.

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When I first started using Canvas I approached the Canvas Community as a source of wisdom and much needed nourishment. Little did I know the treasure I’d discover, the friends I’d make and the things I’d learn. 

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Community Love

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Let's be honest, Jive (this forum the Community uses) is not a code sharing platform or documentation repository. Yet, sprinkled throughout this community there are awesome discussions, snippets of code, queries, tutorials, demos, videos, and screens...

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A curated list of CanvasLMS Community and Open Source contributions.

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It’s mid-winter here in Tasmania. Time to hunker down by the fire or brave the elements when well wrapped up. However, a brisk walk in the snow up our mountain and Dark Mofo were well worth rugging up for this past weekend.

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Educational Resources

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Two years have flown by as a member of this versatile community. I can’t let this anniversary go by without taking stock on what has happened in that time for me.

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The Meta Community received some outstanding blogs in the Reflect and Celebrate and Share the Joy Blogging Challenges. It’s exciting that we get to collaborate once again. This is the final of the three blogging challenges currently planned for 2019....

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2019 continues to be an exciting year for all of us! As you have likely already heard, Instructure announced earlier today that it is acquiring MasteryConnect.

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Ahhh! How is March almost over?!? I have no idea where this month has gone! So as to not let my fellow Canvas Community puzzle pieces down, here's a stab at this month's challenge.

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Because I am not a person that can work alone in a silo, I seek out the power of community in all that I do. 

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For me; Community means moving from a transactional state of mind to a relational state.  By this I mean moving beyond a world view where all motivation essentially falls into two categories, which are Self Interest and Caring for Others (Self vs Oth...

Instructure Instructure
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We all interpret the word COMMUNITY in different ways.  We all live in some type of community...whether in a small town, in a residential community, etc.  In these types of communities, we might be in the same part of the world, but we have different...

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I've been fortunate to belong to a few communities. Some more effective and healthy than others.

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A community is a group of people whose experiences are clustered around a common theme. They can be in the same location in person or online, and each member can find a way to contribute to their shared interests.

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A place where i find people with a common interest. I always seek to work with the experts. Either it is about Canvas or Dog grooming (not that i even like dogs, but if I did. You get my point..)

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We received some outstanding blogs from the Reflect and Celebrate challenge. Let’s keep the momentum and share even more wonderful resources! This is the second of three planned blogging challenges in 2019. Get involved and enjoy the professional gro...

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As I reflect on last year, I can’t help but truly think – what happened? I was attempting to reflect (like, actually reflect, reflect), and in talking with the best manager in the world,  @tdelillo , I realized – there are chunks missing from 2018. I...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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I was challenged by my colleagues to write a post reflecting on 2018. Oh, I've had several ideas about what I could write about...I could share a metaphor about how much I love my G2 gel pens and how they're like the community (I started a draft that...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Customer Stories

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I feel like I am late to the party for these 2018 Reflections blogs my friends are posting. Although, when I think about it, it is still January and the year has just started, so maybe I'm just in the nick-of-time!  It may just be the sense of urgenc...

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Customer Stories

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My 2018 consisted of a bumpy recovery from a series of setbacks in 2017. When I say “setbacks,” I’m referring to various events, some personal, some external, that taken individually wouldn’t sound like much—but the last of those external events, com...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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When I started as an Instructional Designer in 2017, I had really no idea what I was getting into. I had made a few career hops (technical support to human resources to high school teacher to junior high teacher), but instructional design was never o...

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I COPED. Okay, yeah, I know: everybody is always coping... but this past year presented me with harder stuff than I've ever had to deal with before, and somehow — thanks to a lot of help from a lot of people — I got through every day of 2018. Every s...

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Hey everybody! Long time no see, or at least it feels that way. I don’t know if you have noticed, but I haven’t been around this wonderful world we call the Canvas Community as much in the past 12 months. Sure, I still bop in from time to time and do...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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