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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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Course Hack Night is back, by popular demand! This event is for anyone interested in taking Canvas course design to the next octave. Instructure employees from our Community and Training team will be present along with long time Canvas users to help new(er) Canvas course designers and teachers find, and use built-in Canvas features and external educational tools (LTI apps).


Want to make the most of this event? Click to learn more!


(Click ^ link to jump to this event)

This is the event where programmers, engineers, LMS admins, app developers, and other nerds collaborate to squash bugs, fix things, make them better, you know… hack Canvas. Since this is right after dinner you’ll probably be full, but there will be a cash bar if you’re thirsty! Visit the Hack Night event to see who's coming and join the conversation!

  Location Map: KOKOPELLI BALLROOM (Grand Summit)

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