How do I add existing standards to a curriculum map?

As the owner of a curriculum map, you can add standards to a curriculum map. You can add standards from the existing standards library, or you can create new standards to add to a map.


  • Only the author of a district-approved curriculum map can add standards or make other edits to it.
  • District-approved curriculum maps cannot be copied.

Open Maps

Open Maps

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Maps link.

Open Curriculum Map

Click a curriculum map name link.

Open Add Standard

In the curriculum map, click the Add Standard button.

Add Existing Standard

The Add Standard window displays the Select From Existing tab [1].

To select existing standards to add to your curriculum map, you must first filter the standards list by subject [2], core [3], and class [4].

Select Objectives

Select Objectives

Available objectives display in the Objectives list [1].

Selected objectives display a checkmark [2].

Objectives that are not selected display an empty checkbox [3].

To select or deselect all objectives in the list, click the Select/Unselect All link [4].

Add Standards

Add Standards

Click the Add Standard(S) button.

View Added Standards

View Added Standards

View the new standards in your curriculum map.