How do I add notes to a curriculum map?

You can add notes to your curriculum map. All owners of the curriculum map can view the notes, edit the notes, or add new notes.

You can add notes that are attached to the overall curriculum map, and you can add notes that are are attached to specific standards and units within the curriculum map.

Open Maps

Open Maps

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Maps link.  

Open Curriculum Map

Click the curriculum map name link.

Open Curriculum Map Notes

In the curriculum map, click the Create Map Note button.

Add Notes

Add Notes

In the text field, enter your notes [1].

You can adjust the formatting of your notes by using the text editing tools [2].

To save your notes, click the Add button [3].

View Curriculum Map Notes

View Curriculum Map Notes

The notes you added display as highlighted text at the top of the curriculum map page.

To move your note up or down the page, click and drag the note handle [1].

To edit or delete your curriculum map note, hover over the Note Options icon [2].

To edit the note, click the Edit Note link [3]. To delete the note, click the Delete Note link [4].

Add Notes to a Unit

Add Notes to a Unit

You can also add notes directly to a unit within a curriculum map.  

Hover over the Unit Options icon [1] and click the Notes link [2].

Save Unit Note

To begin your note, click the Edit button [1].

Enter your notes for the unit in the text field [2].

To save your notes, click the Save button [3].

View Unit Notes

To view or edit your unit notes, hover over the Unit Options icon [1] and click the Notes option [2].

The Unit window opens to the Notes tab [3].

Add Notes to a Standard

Add Notes to a Standard

You can add notes directly to a standard within a curriculum map.

If the standard is located in a unit, view your standard by clicking the Expand Unit button [1].

Hover over the Standard Options icon [2] and click the Notes option [3].

Save Standard Note

To begin your note, click the Edit button [1].

Enter your notes for the standard in the text field [2].

To save your notes, click the Save button [3].

View Standard Notes

View Standard Notes

To view or edit your standard notes, hover over the Standard Options icon [1] and click the Notes option [2].

The Standards window opens to the Notes tab [3].