How do I use the Curriculum Maps page?

In the Curriculum Maps page, you can view a list of your curriculum maps. You can also view your maps organized by category. Each map listed in the Curriculum Maps page displays map details, and maps may display edit, copy, or archive options. From the Curriculum Maps page, you can also create a tracker from a map.  

Open Maps

Open Maps

In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Maps link.

View Curriculum Maps Page

By default, the Curriculum Maps page displays a list of curriculum maps you created [1].

To view curriculum maps that are in use in trackers, click the Using in Trackers tab [2].

To view curriculum maps that have been archived, click the Archived tab [3].

To create a new curriculum map click the Add Curriculum Map button [4].

To create a tracker from the curriculum map, click the Create Tracker from Map button [5].

View Curriculum Map Categories

View Curriculum Map Categories

In the Curriculum Maps page, you can view your curriculum maps listed by the following categories:

  • Created [1]: maps you created
  • Using In Trackers [2]: maps from which you created a tracker
  • Archived [3]: maps that are archived
  • Collaborating On [4]: maps you are collaborating on with a team of collaborators
  • Shared With Me [5]: maps another user shared with you

View Curriculum Maps List

View Curriculum Maps List

Each curriculum map listing in the Curriculum Maps page displays a map icon [1], the map name [2] and the map description [3].

The listing also displays the map's designated grade level, subject, and standard core [4]. You can also view the map's number of mastery levels [5].

Note: Descriptions are not required for a curriculum map. If one doesn't display, the map does not have a description.

View Labels and Badges

View Labels and Badges

A curriculum map listing may display a District-Approved badge [1] or a privacy label [2]. Learn more about curriculum map privacy settings.

View Collaborating Team

View Collaborating Team

If you own the map as part of a collaborating team, the map listing displays the collaborating team name [1]. To view details about the team, including a list of its members, click the team name link [2].

View Curriculum Map Options

View Curriculum Map Options

Map listings may display options for managing the curriculum map. Depending on whether you own the map, and depending on the map's status, you may able to edit [1], copy [2], and archive or delete the map.

Note: If a map is already archived, the map options displays a Delete link.

Create Tracker from Map

Create Tracker from Map

To a tracker from a curriculum map, click the Create Tracker From Map button. Learn more about creating a tracker from a curriculum map.

Move Curriculum Maps

Move Curriculum Maps

When you hover over a curriculum map listing, a Move icon displays [1].

Click and drag the map's Move icon to organize the maps list according to your preference.

Open Map

Open Map

To view a curriculum map, click the map name link. Learn more about viewing a curriculum map.