How do I collaborate on a curriculum map?
After another user adds you as a curriculum map collaborator through a team you are on, you become another owner of the map. You, along with other members of the collaborating team, can edit and manage the map.
Mastery Connect sends team members a notification email with a link to the curriculum map. You can open the curriculum map from either the email or from the Maps page.
You, along with other members of the collaborating team, can edit, copy, manage, and archive the map.
Open Map from Email

To open the curriculum map, click the View Curriculum Map button.
Note: When a team is added to a curriculum map, team members can immediately access and collaborate on the map. Collaborators are not required to accept an invitation in order to collaborate.
Open Map from Maps
To open the shared curriculum map from Maps, click the Global Navigation Maps link [1]. On the Curriculum Maps page, click the Collaborating On tab [2], then click the curriculum map name link [3].