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I have created several New Quizzes in which I have aligned each quiz question to a single course learning outcome. Is there a way for me to automatically create a question bank that contains all quiz questions aligned to a single course outcome? Or, ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everyone,I'm working on a tool that adds a custom button to the Canvas interface using JavaScript injected via a Canvas Theme. The goal is to allow teachers to calculate and update rubric scores for an assignment (e.g., entering an average mastery...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I know how to validate links in content, but does anyone know of a way to list all of the hyperlinks in a course? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is it possible for Canvas to send an automatic notice to students who exceed an instructor-determined absence threshold? For example, imagine that a student has missed 4 classes. Is there a way to tell Canvas to email all students with 4 or more abse...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Everyone,  What are the benefits of using SIS imports to create courses and do enrollment versus a SIS integration? We are in the beginning stages of merging two instances of Canvas. At one location, they use SONIS as this SIS and have it integrat...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,We are using Canvas as LMS for professional development course.To register for a course, they register in another platform and our admin sends me an excel file to confirm if they have are eligible for the course. They need to list their previous p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all,I am a Instructional Designer trying to find a solution/ work-around to build the following activity type:- a question that allows short or long responses (a few sentences to a paragraph)- ungraded (no instructor will be manually releasing fee...

  • 8 Replies

How can I retake for a better grade? Week 3: Ch 11 (Part 2) Solving a System of Equations (ALEKS) and week 2 i believe

  • 1 Replies

Here’s the Description of the assignment:I love this software! I think this is an incredibly important skill to have going forward in college, especially in an online environment.Here's the page back from the Student Support module: Student Support: ...

  • 2 Replies

I'm asking on behalf of an instructor who teaches for a college besides ours. She likes to divide up her course roster into sections using the 'Add Section'  feature. But she doesn't have the kebab icon listed in the People tab to edit the added sect...

  • 1 Replies

It would be wonderful that the missing flag in grade book could have the option to disappear once the until deadline has passed since students cannot complete this work anymore and will now be getting a zero for that assignment. Right now you have to...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi! As a brief background, I use Canvas for a student program and not for courses or a classroom. This program provides support to students for two years. And each year there is a new group of students, so there are multiple sections on our Canvas sh...

  • 5 Replies

When trying to print student assignments I receive a type check error. If you know how to help fix this, I would greatly appreciate it. Respectfully, ~Danny Bellow is the error code.   ERROR: typecheck OFFENDING COMMAND: readonly STACK: 2 -dictionary...

  • 1 Replies

Good eveningWhen I click on library - I do not seem to have access to research material, or search. It states that eother access denied, or nothing is loading or no  content. I can not include a screen shot here either. I have had trouble gettong on ...

  • 1 Replies

We've experienced some employee layoffs, specifically those who previously served as account course developers and admins.  I'm not certain what my assigned role is (I cannot see my role when viewing my Canvas profile/user settings).  I also see a ne...

  • 3 Replies

The parent email notifications are not helpful with our log in set up to Canvas. When a parent clicks either link at the bottom of their email, they are redirect to our Microsoft single sign on page and the parents don't use that page to log in. I'd ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have a number of courses that were created from templates (the Enable course as Course Template is selected in Settings). There is something new happening. When we copy a course created from a template, it's copying the course itself AND all of th...

  • 2 Replies

A teacher marked a students piece of worked and made some annotation comments within the document. The student saw them that evening and went to make changes to the document the next day.However when the student went back into the assignment all the ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi thereI am a teacher and I have been using the video recording function to provide feedback to my students. I disable the camera and only audio is recorded. Perfect! Now, i am teaching a unit with group assignments and I need to provide the same fe...

  • 1 Replies
  • 1 Replies

Are you comfortable granting admin level permissions to third party integrations?  As a Canvas Admin, we go with the vendor instructions to install Developer Keys, API Keys, LTI apps, Admin level Access Tokens, custom JavaScript, etc.  If the third p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I was wondering if any one else has seen this in new Quizzes? On the left I have one score (133/150) but the actual grade on the right is different (100/150). i have checked the points and the 133 is what it adds up to.

  • 1 Replies

My students made video recordings for Essay type questions on New Quizzes using the RCE (insert, media, record media).  When I go to Speedgrader, I get an unauthorized access denied error and am unable to view the videos for any of the students in or...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I am wondering if there is a way to "lock" the Syllabus tool in the course settings Navigation tab?  It was requested to have this tool locked so that instructors could not have the ability to remove the Syllabus tool from the course navigation menu ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When I click on my quiz to start it nothing pops up and the area is blank. I only get 3 attempts and I am on my 3rd because I have tried logging on from different computers to see if it will work but it is still blank when I start the quiz PLEASE HEL...

  • 4 Replies

I would like for Canvas to randomly assign students a number when hiding student names option is selected. After several trials, it seems that Canvas is programmed to assign these numbers alphabetically. For the primary teacher, this poses a non-rand...

  • 4 Replies

I've uploaded a SCORM package with a virtual tour. It can be implemented as a page and the tour functions (360 view works, going from hot-spot to hot-spot works). The integrated video however does not work; it shows a dark blue frame (which is indeed...

  • 3 Replies

As anyone done a questionnaire within Canvas to define a students VARK Learning Style? Very similar to this, but the results can be given within Canvas. It would be fantastic if I could get add this withi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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In gradebook, assignments in the heading and grades (columns) do not line up.     

  • 5 Replies

Hello there!Our school will transition from our current LMS to Canvas this summer, before thoroughly implementing it with all our students in the fall. In our current LMS, in order to post assignments, reminders, or any content on the Student's Learn...

  • 1 Replies