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In the past few months we have been experiencing very strange things happening with our Blueprint courses.  We have been using Blueprints for years, so I am confident this is not due to errors our instructors are making.The latest issue is that the B...

  • 1 Replies

How do I remove course tiles from the DB to un-crowd it?

  • 4 Replies

Hello,   I am an Instructional Design Assistant trying to create a question bank for a class final and am running into some issues with creating answers. The question editor itself is fine accepting LaTeX. The problem (ironically) has no issue displa...

  • 2 Replies

Can the ability to preview a full announcement be added?  I use LaTeX with my announcements and generally like to use the \( \) or $$ $$ to set off the equations rather than clicking through the add markdown / edit LaTeX directly.  The only issue is ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there, I am struggling with figuring out how to create the bio sig ID.Please kindly provide some direction. Shelby 

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to turn off the blue dots/test a different grade feature? Our students are running into some confusion over why some grades have blue dots and why others do not. They also feel like they are accidentally changing their grades when they...

  • 4 Replies

I am having one heck of a time getting into my assignments and quizzes...nothing is listed for me. I have tried reaching out to my instructor and Canvas...has anyone else had this issue and have any suggestions?? I need help. I can see under my Instr...

  • 2 Replies

I see that you can send all students an email by clicking "all in students" however my canvas does not have that option. I have over 100 students in my class and its a struggle to click everyone's name one by one. how can I update my canvas? is the t...

  • 7 Replies

I manage a large class (hundreds of students) and it is divided into sections based on days of the week. Some students change days from the "Monday" section to the "Tuesday" section, for example.I can create sections mechanically using the API but I ...

  • 4 Replies

Hello and thanks for helping.  I will be using CANVAS for the first time next year at a high school and am learning about setting up my class; I don't know much at this point about CANVAS.  I have many pdfs I have downloaded over the years, printed, ...

  • 7 Replies

I want to use the new quizzes in CANVAS but I would like to import my old questions. Is there a way to do that because i have tried three times today to import the question banks and they are not showing up :(.

  • 1 Replies

Hi folks! I am working with an instructor at my college who wants to do some clean-up of their Canvas account. They've been using Canvas for seven years, teaching multiple classes nearly every quarter, a member of lots of groups/committees that use C...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I am trying to download all submissions, so that I can share the files.  I am not seeing the option to "Download Submissions." I only see "Speedgrader" and how many need to be graded.  My students submitted an annotated pdf on an assignment.  Can som...

  • 4 Replies

I didn't get what the instructor wants us to do, just gave us the way to do it but the thing itself, like he wants us to use google drives and some other stuff to make sure we know how to use them but he didn't give us the material or the links we sh...

  • 1 Replies

hi, when i try to filter gradebook by section, it does not filter assignments properly because the test student appears in every section and consequently every assignment that i create. 100% of my assessments appear in my gradebook even when filtered...

  • 1 Replies

I'm organizing both my modules and my library reserve reading list by weekly sessions. I want to match the reading assignments of each week from the library reserve to the weekly modules. How can I do that?

  • 1 Replies

Our log in ID for student accounts is FirstName.LastName, not email address. But the log in screen specifically says EMAIL where they need to enter their user name.  This creates a LOT of confusion. How can I change the wording on the log in screen t...

  • 3 Replies

Can I turn off the option for students to create an announcement or discussion in groups?

  • 3 Replies

I teach and am a senior admin for DL at my university. Is there any way to run (or automate attendance reports) for larger sets of data?  Specifically, I would like to be able to run attendance reports at the departmental level (i.e all BUS courses),...

  • 2 Replies

My institution provided outcomes are all set to assess based on highest score and I want to use decaying average. I created outcomes at the course level using decaying average, but when I try to align an individual item with my outcome, it only allow...

  • 2 Replies

I have my course calendar saved on desktop. How do I get it "linked" or uploaded under "Start Here" of Canvas?

  • 2 Replies

I have been receiving an error message when trying to add a team member to an unpublished course. They were previously assigned as a student to two other courses with no issue, but no matter what I try to add them as (Student, Observer, Teacher), I k...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,I have recently tried to add alumni of the course to this year's addition of the course and in both cases the person never received the email inviting them (back) to the course. All the new people I have added are receiving the email invite jus...

  • 2 Replies

The term is still open, the class has no "available until" or due date but the teacher cannot enter grades. I am an admin and can enter grades. Any ideas as to why they cannot?

  • 3 Replies

We have graders for some of our classes and we would like to keep their names anonymous. How can this be done when using a rubric?

  • 3 Replies

All modules for Week 5 are locked for me! And it says underneath week 5 that they will unlock May 29…it is about to be June 1st and they are all still locked meaning I am not able to access them. Anyone know why and could possibly help?

  • 1 Replies

An internal error occurred when I was adding new people/user. I have deleted many users, but it's still not working. I've also tried to add different new users with different email address, still no luck. I'd apprciate any advice regarding this matte...

  • 1 Replies

When I am adding a new person into our LMS, if I enter a SIS ID, the ability to 'change password' is removed from their own account settings, how do I get this added back, so they have the own ability to change this?

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Hello I was taking a test and mid test my teacher calls me out for leaving my screen. Later that day she emails me that "You got a zero on the test. You left the Canvas page during the test to google answers. I have screenshots of your computer scree...

  • 1 Replies

I see file storage per course is 500 MB/course for the Free account and 50 MB/user. Are discussion posts within each course limited as well for the Free for Teachers version? We are planning on trying the free version for a group of 83 students.

  • 1 Replies