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I want students to be able to review a quiz right after they submit (while in a proctored computer lab).  I do not want them to be able to access the quiz/test after they review it this one time.  I was able to do this in "Classic Quiz" mode, but how...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to calculate a weighted average grade for first and revised drafts, say for example in a composition course? Here's the scenario: a student turns in a paper, then decides to submit a revision after receiving feedback. The instructor gr...

  • 2 Replies

Every time I log into canvas on my computer, it tells me that my password is wrong. I have tried changing my password again but Im not getting a reset email. I need help...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,In this post it is mentioned:"Certain variable substitutions in custom claim for the LTI 1.3 launch were identified as containing numerical values rather than string values as required by the specification. These numerical variable substitutions w...

  • 1 Replies

I am having an issue this year where the results view (after a student has submitted a New Quiz) is not displaying correctly. The display is displaying most of their answer choices (right or wrong) in the first couple questions/items space, leaving t...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to add hotspots to course page such as discussion board or pages? I know I can add them in an assessment.  Thank you!

  • 10 Replies

The upload file link is not working in assignments nor messages, so I can't upload a file to my assignment and I can't upload a file to a message and send my TA my homework. 

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to use Outcomes to grade for mastery in my math class. And I was wondering if there was a way (or workaround) to get the point values for each outcome to sync to sis. We have multiple assignments pouring into an outcome and sometimes one ...

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Hello. I'm trying to set one of my students up in our "free for teacher" course. When she went to register, a message said her email log in was already in use. She says she's never set one up before. We figured maybe she had so we had her go to link ...

  • 2 Replies

I have an older MacBook and when I am on canvas I am unable to see my class details.  I have made sure all popup blockers are turned off as well as the reader is turned on and I am still unable to access them. I have an apple phone and am able to see...

  • 1 Replies

I use canvas mostly as a to do list and assignment instructions. Therefore most of my assignments in canvas are really paper assignments students must turn in. When my students turn in their papers I mark them complete in canvas, but canvas still lea...

  • 1 Replies

I am doing some analysis pertaining to Canvas DB Vs Padlet and trying to figure out if it is worth going ahead with another tool just for ease of use or there are some strong points setting Padlet apart from Canvas DB. Anyone who has worked on this o...

  • 2 Replies

I did update my web browser and did close open it couple of times but I still get this error. Please help.

  • 3 Replies

My dashboard won't load it is just flashing grey. 

  • 2 Replies

I am not a big fan of the most recent Canvas updates, especially the fact that you cannot add a comment to your submission, it must be added before or after submitting. I have also noticed a huge glitch that is annoying and confusing. Whenever I (a s...

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor on Canvas. I have used my chromebook for over a year without issues. However, when I try to load my course now, the page looks like it is almost loaded (I see gray & white boxes under my dashboard for the classes), but it never loa...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,Is it possible to set up an open-ended question to assign full credit and to be able to choose that option either before or after students have responded. This was possible in Blackboard and oh so convenient.Example: I assign a quiz with an ope...

  • 1 Replies

Our faculty have been using the Teacher Activity Report / Student Interactions Report to see which assignments they still need to grade.However, one of our faculty just reported that he looked at that page and two assignments showed up on it that had...

  • 2 Replies

Good Morning, I am a student with Santa Barbara City College RHIT program. I am unsure if there have been updates. In the past, I was able to work in Office and use tools like formatting and insert smart tools etc. In a very recent assignment, the as...

  • 4 Replies

When I am trying to add my canvas calendar, ALL of my canvas course calendars are transferring to my outlook, instead of just 1.  Is it possible to only add one canvas course calendar and not ALL?

  • 1 Replies

Where to find basic info on integrating canvas with webwork

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I would like to include screenshots of materials in Canvas in a publication for teachers about teaching children to practice musical instruments.Can I please be directed to a permissions process for doing so?Thank you,Pete Miksza

  • 3 Replies

How do I create a calculated column (e.g. a weighted grade) other than the built in 'total'

  • 1 Replies

How a teacher can limit grader or TA access to different sections of the Course.

  • 1 Replies

group chat among students were we can share ideas and help each other. i just did a course without help yes there was bits of information available but it would of been great to share my ideas with others who were studying the same course as me. its ...

  • 2 Replies

I apologize if this is already asked and answered.I searched these terms and didn't find anything relevant.I want to survey students and then show students what they think (anonymously, of course).Is this a feature? Or do I need to make a pdf of the ...

  • 1 Replies

I have accidentally turned in the incorrect assignment at the designated area. However, the professor does not allow resubmission and stated that I can still attached the file to Canvas. Therefore, I would like to know how do I go about attaching the...

  • 2 Replies

I am an admin for my district, I need to add a teacher and para to a canvas course as observers for a teacher. However, when I go through my admin connection to add the teacher and para, I only have the option to add them as teacher roles. I want to ...

  • 1 Replies

 I set up the quiz so that my students try it twice. There is a due date. However, some students have tried only once before the due date. After the due date, they can still give it another try. Can I prevent the student from the second try after the...

  • 1 Replies

How do I make my Files visible to students in ENGL 512.01

  • 1 Replies