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My students prefer all the newer material to be at the top. I understand that I can move things, but when I upload 20 things a day and I have to manually move each one to the top, it becomes very tedious. Can the default entrance into Canvas modules ...

  • 1 Replies

I have instructions from my professor to click on the "Assignments" tab. All I have isHomeSyllabusModulesGradesAnnouncements  StudioI looked in the modules tab to submit a document for peer review, and there is no link. It just shows a rubric. 

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Hi, friends-I'm trying to figure out how to item author a question that can have 2 passages attached to it- any ideas?Thanks-JodiLyn

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When I am trying to grade effectively, I am attempting to use hotkeys. If I want to move to next student (j), I need to click out of the score box to actually move to next student. I think you need to code in a simple, when you click ENTER, it will g...

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I am using the current version of Google Chrome on a PC. When I edit a calendar event and need to go to "More options," the date listed for the event always changes to the day before. I searched online and within the forum but found no mention of thi...

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This isn't a question but a suggestion. I teach the same course for 7 different class periods. I do some assignments different so I like keeping the classes separate but when I have the same assignment I'm going to use in all 7 classes it would be ni...

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Our district is in its 2nd year of using the pass-back feature between Canvas and Eschool Plus (TAC).  Last year I had no problems.  I would put in assignments, grade them, then grade late submissions, and all would update each night starting at 6 pm...

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Started a course this morning and Canvas is a key tool for it. I signed up after receiving the link on Friday but when signing in today all I'm receiving is this screen that keeps reloading and won't load any new pages if I click on the buttons on th...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,I am looking to work with someone who is an experienced evaluator of Canvas Courses to make my course better. I am happy to discuss compensation. While I have taken many classes on Canvas, I am looking for an outside perspective and a holistic ...

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Dear Alef How do I attend a conference? I have three booked in for this week but no idea how to attend?Will you send me a link? Kind Regards Tony Moody

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Hi, I'm trying to figure out the right sequence to set up an event that is to occur at different daytimes for different sections and then how that will be managed in Conference section (using Free for Teacher Canvas)?If it is the one event with multi...

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Hi all, I am new to this community and I would like to check whether for the Grade Posting Policy feature is there a way for students to not view their grades/ results if they have pending payment/ statuses that disables them from seeing. If need to ...

  • 3 Replies

How do I set a forwarding address for my inbox?

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I am wanting to create a no-submission assignment column in Gradebook weighted 15% of the total grade. I have placed the no-submission assignment (worth 100 points) in an assignment group on the LMS worth 15% of the total grade. Confusingly, Gradeboo...

  • 3 Replies

We are looking to find a way to stop teachers being able to regrade automatically marked questions.  This is causing us a lot of problems as teachers are "accidentally" changing the marks that have been given to 100's of students and sometimes we are...

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Hey there, I'm wanting to upload custom fonts to use throughout our branded themes. Is this possible to do? and what are the steps in uploading customer fonts? Thanks,Paul

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Apps like Multi-highlight work in the Discussion Boards and Rubric Grading Pane but not in the student assignment document window (ctrl F will highlight one word at a time but as the Instructor I want to highlight 5-20 keywords at a time for grading ...

  • 1 Replies

I would like my assignments to display a percentage (although I have my assignments displayed as points).  If I have my assignments displayed as percentages, I need to input a percentage, which will convert to points, but I will want to put points in...

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I am registered in an Italian class. But, when I check my Canvas dashboard I am not seeing the class as published. I know the teacher published the course because the rest of the class has been able to complete assignments and access materials and I ...

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Is there a way for your calendar to collapse and be able to look at your assignments similar to how it looks when you check your monthly assignments?

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I am having trouble taking a quiz on Canvas for my Psychology class. Every time I press the "here" button to take the quiz, it opens up a new blank window . 

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Canvas blanks out when retrieving assignments/grades. is this common to others as well?

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I've run into what I consider to be a lack of fairly basic functionality in Canvas grading. While I quite like the features of assignment groups, in that they let you create weights for each group much like a typical syllabus would be structured, ...

  • 8 Replies

Hello,I am trying to delete an assessment in my tracker. Normally the delete option is available, but it seems like it's only available for raw scores. I've tried reinstalling my trackers, looking for settings that allow me to delete, and have reache...

  • 3 Replies

Where is the re-sit / resubmission portal within Canvas?  I'm a remote online student.Thank you.

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How do I put three tiles per line vs two?  Some students have 3 and others have two cards on each row.  I would love for everyone to have 3 courses including myself per row.

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Why doesn't Canvas Attendance have an "excused" option in taking attendance. We often have to track excused and unexcused absences, yet there's no real way to do that.

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Hello - for Discussion posts, I know to hit the reply button.  However, I have a couple of clarifications: 1. Is there a character or word count limit to the reply? And 2.  What and when do you use the subscribe button feature? Thanks 

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I signed up over 30 of my students on Canvas, which did not ask for their email when they registered and now they cannot log into their account because there is no email.PLEASE RESOLVE.   

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