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Why is there NOTHING about making/publishing your home page? Our district wants us to be graphic designers, import ALL the stuff...I have no time/inclination to learn all this...what do you suggest? 

  • 1 Replies

How do I enter multiple grades for a standard in Canvas. For instance, I have Science as my Group. "Parts of a plant " is the standard and I have to manually enter two grades for this standard. How do I do this? Thanks, Traci

  • 1 Replies

I am wanting create a Journal Club assignment discussion board within Canvas.The concept is that each week a student within their discussion group will be required to write an essay on a specific topic ( a primer essentially). They then post it so th...

  • 4 Replies

I have been using Canvas for several years as an Instructor and have been having great success using Learning Outcomes to set up rubrics and grade for Learning Mastery. This year, I have one course that is not posting any grades to Learning Outcomes....

  • 1 Replies

HiI appear to have two accounts (One that I set up to access some pre course work and another issued to me when I started the actual course) Both have the same email and password. I have been working off an ipad on the canvas app but don't have full ...

  • 2 Replies

Is anyone else having problems looking up chat history? We are required to look up chat and write a brief sumary when we miss chat time. Well my chat history is all messed up.

  • 3 Replies

I set up a Discussion with GroupsI make it an Assignment, and categorize it as a Group AssignmentCanvas STILL does not allow me to apply the same Assignment grade for this Group Discussion Assignment, to all Group members - in the same way I can set ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How does a student access my comments inside their assignment?

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Hello,I was wondering if there is a feature to export the rubric for assignments as part of the "export gradebook" feature.  For example, suppose that an assignment has 5 problems.  The rubric I set up allows the grader to grade each problem individu...

  • 2 Replies

I am an instructor of AMD278.I graded some exercises, one of students' activities in class on Canvas.However, a few students' grades in exercise 1 and 2 looks missing even though I added their scores in the SpeedGrader on Canvas. When I checked the S...

  • 1 Replies

HI, all. I have assignments that I have created in Canvas, and of course, the rubrics are all built there, too. Are there ways to export individual assignment instructions and rubrics into Adobe, Word or Google? 

  • 1 Replies

Hi! I'm a TA and my professor had her students imported into canvas. How can I add other people if the "Add People" button is not available in the People page.Thank you, Steliana

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Why/how does Canvas SpeedGrader do a word count for student assignments that are missing? It includes a word count even though the student did not submit anything and I have not commented. In addition, the word count is different for different studen...

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Could you please help as I can't add y daughter in Parent vue ( classrooms)  her Name is Miantsa , she is at North Bethesda Middle School Could you please to fix that?  Many thanks Adria           

  • 1 Replies

We would like  to restrict students to use only their official student email account when they are in canvas and our classes.  Is there a way to keep them from adding a new email account and / or making an alternative account their default account?  ...

  • 8 Replies

have not been getting notifications from OPP 1003  and HPO 1008 . I checked the notifications setting and they seem to be correct. The notifications are not ending up in their deleted items folder. They are both showing in the classes. Their notifica...

  • 1 Replies

Cómo puedo recuperar una evaluación la cual fue eliminada por error y la misma ya contaba con entradas?  

  • 2 Replies

Hi,I have recently taken over a course from a colleague and I am trying to get the Canvas site sorted out ready for the start of the semester. My colleague had created a useful quiz made up of a set of question banks and I would like to edit these an...

  • 2 Replies

I know that you can create rubrics, but I’ve realized students can see the rubric before completing the assignment. I’d like to have grading notes for something more holistic, like when I am asking students to complete questions and I need the answer...

  • 2 Replies

I'm a high school biology teacher with a mix of general education and special education students in my course. There are about 80 students total in this course, spread across four sections.I'd like to find a way to grade a handful of students with IE...

  • 1 Replies

I've been using Speedgrader this year to provide feedback on written assignments. I exclusively use the point, highlight and strikethrough annotations and find that I am able to give high quality feedback with these tools. However I find the interfac...

  • 6 Replies

Is there a way to set quizzes to anonymous grading as you can for assignments?

  • 2 Replies

I posted a message a few weeks ago, with no response.I need help with my institution's canvas.  I am Admin for my high school.1) I have observers who's passwords have randomly stopped working.2) we want to add external tools to the library3) we want ...

  • 1 Replies

I saw a banner to participate in a short Canvas Survey: So, I thought "Sure, yes, Canvas! Finally, I have so much feedback to give! Let's make this a better LMS!"And then I took the survey, it asked me to rate how much I trusted Canvas on a Likert ty...

  • 3 Replies

How do I upload my assignment if there is no upload cue??  Its due Sept. 26th

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I have watched how-to videos. I have read and clicked through question answers and still the canvas that I access never has the buttons that are referred to.My department admin has uploaded a syllabus and a course title - but it is an older version -...

  • 2 Replies

I meet with a small group of students and use Canvas to communicate, share documents, files, etc. When I add the students' email addresses using the "Add People" function, all  have been able to successfully join but one. I am certain the email addre...

  • 1 Replies

Steps to Activate an Instructor and Student Subscription in Canvas with a Common Cartridge Access Key Code

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