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For the last 2 years, I have had the same late policy. All assignments are due AND available until their original due date. After the due date, students must submit a Late Work Google Form to get the assignment unlocked so they can resubmit it for cr...

  • 1 Replies

There are some assignments that go out to the majority of my students except one or two per class. It would be great to be able to assign to "everyone" and then have a button to select which students are exempt from the assignment. This should also b...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way to flip the axis of the gradebook?  I would like to see students at the top and assignments on the side.  I know you can see grades by individual student, but it would also be nice to be able to flip this axis.  I looked through the se...

  • 1 Replies

I have created a rubric in a course that I have used for two paper assignments. I wanted to update the rubric slightly. When I go to the Rubrics page and click on the rubric I want to change, I get this message: "Rubrics cannot be modified once they ...

  • 2 Replies

I just had a student inform me that they could not reply to other students in a discussion that I set up in advance over the summer. I saw that threaded replies had been turned off without my knowledge, turned them back on, and announced the bug to t...

  • 4 Replies

Right now I have created appointments on Canvas using the Scheduling feature for students to sign up for. However, once all spots are reserved, the event disappears from the student's view. For example, if I create an event for October 1 with a maxim...

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Canvas Question Forum
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In our district, we do not count late points for non-school days.  Currently, Canvas does not take weekends into account when deducting late points.  I was wondering if there was a way of having weekends not count toward late points on student submis...

  • 1 Replies

I took a test on Canvas, and on my log, my teacher is saying that it says I left the Canvas Test page multiple times, however, I did NOT leave the testing page at all.  Why is it saying that I did?  I'm very confused as to why it's saying that.  I ha...

  • 1 Replies

I have an multiple choice exam (old quiz). I set it up to give the average of two attempts. There was a technical snafu that required an extra attempt be added (all done and managed, quiz is closed). Now I want to change it to give the highest score....

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know how to resolve this? On Microsoft Edge version 129.0.2792.52 (Official build) (64-bit) we are having real problems not being able to access the dropdown menu in Modules. When you click on the traffic lights/vertical kebob the drop-do...

  • 2 Replies

I have been developing webapps to make my course content more interactive, engaging, instructive, accessible, and responsively formatted for mobile users. I have found that it is entirely possible to save markup, media, and scripts to a file structur...

  • 2 Replies

I set up a rubric for my students to peer review 3 submissions.  I want the students to view the results from the rubric, but I cannot figure out how to enable that feature.  How do students see the rubric results from the peer reviews?

  • 5 Replies

How do I forward an email stream to a department head, since the department head is not listed as part of the class? 

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I have a teacher who was invited to 2 separate Canvas classes (two different schools) as a co-teacher. She was able to create an account for one just fine and can see the class. When we logout and follow the link to the second class/school, sh...

  • 2 Replies

I have a student retaking one of my courses. They submitted all the assignments last year, and when I re-enrolled them, they are all still in the system. Is there a way to clear those out? I tried removing him from the course and readding, but they a...

  • 1 Replies

What would cause Canvas to assign a zero to an assignment that is not yet due.  We have checked that the due dates are correct for the assignment.  And it doesn't happen to every student in the class, just a few. I'm not sure what else to check.  TIA...

  • 5 Replies

HI Team, Blueprint objects can be lock / unlocked - great. Why are there no such features in the account template? It would be SO EASY to maintain course consistency that as new courses are being populated by the SIS that if certain pages / modules c...

  • 1 Replies

I like writing on the student's documents that are submitted, but every time I have to change the setting back to my preferred grading setting and this is a big inconvenience. Any idea on how to save my preferences for grading so I do not have to do ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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The student answers to numerical questions, either by formula question or numerical question, doesn´t accept scientific format such as m*10^n or mEn. I have seen some answers in the past in the community but at the moment (September 2024) still the p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Recently we had a professor report to us that the expander button to make the text box larger as well as the full screen button were no longer present when in the SpeedGrader. While the text box appears to be slightly larger now to accommodate this i...

  • 1 Replies

When I copy an assignment from one section to another it automatically assigns it to the imported assignments category. Is there a way to fix this so I do not have to reclassify it every time?

  • 2 Replies

I want to set all grades for a particular assignment to missing and be a zero. However, I do not want to be the case for all assignments in the grade book. I know there is a setting for making that the case in the whole grade book but I do not want t...

  • 1 Replies

MI code works when setting default grades but EX does not. Can this be added?

  • 1 Replies

Am I correct that students must click on the "Expand Threads" button in every discussion in order to see their peers' responses? If so, can I please request that either 1) students be given an option to default to expanded threads all the time so the...

  • 1 Replies

I'm looking for insight and tips for how to manage discussion boards for a 140 student class I'm teaching. The class has 6 sections and to facilitate student comfort and allow the similar questions to be asked in by the same student (but in different...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I hope I'm not asking something that is answered elsewhere already, as I wasn't even sure how to frame the question to get the answer I was looking for. Is there something that would prevent one student's assignment submission from not downloading wi...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, Is there a way to get a grade report of every faculty member each week to see that grades are being entered by each teacher? Thank you, Haley 

  • 2 Replies

My student's scores from EdPuzzle are whole numbers in Canvas but when sent to Synergy (Edupoint) they come in as a decimal number.  EdPuzzle technically shows a percentage in their gradebook.  I don't know if the difference in scores are a Canvas is...

  • 1 Replies

Last year the process of selecting an individual course in the gradebook got way more cumbersome (I'm sure you all know this), requiring using the dropdown menu. This is such a time waster, given that I do this multiple times per day. Last year my wo...

  • 1 Replies

This is maddening!  The visual clutter under the "People" tab is so annoying!  They don't show up under the "Grades" tab!  "People" should work the same way.

  • 5 Replies