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Is there a way to have a survey not be auto-graded until an instructor reviews and releases the grade? I am thinking, for example, of a student who might not complete a survey correctly but gets "complete" points for submitting content–that an instru...

  • 1 Replies

I am in Virginia and we have CTE competencies and our assignments are one of the ways that students are able to demonstrate their mastery.  Some courses have 80-100 competencies.  In the past we have been able to link more than one competency to an a...

  • 1 Replies

Hi I know there is a suggestions page but I don't have time to read through every one to see if this has been suggested before. I know that Canvas the company wants to make their product the best it can be. So just from a teacher who uses Canvas ever...

  • 3 Replies

I have a teacher with 3 sections of the same class in PowerSchool.  Two of the sections have transferred over to her course in Canvas but not the 3rd.  The settings for the sections in PowerSchool look identical.  Has anyone run across this situation...

  • 1 Replies

Problem: Ally on Canvas removes image descriptions when you fix contrast issues. For example, here is a screenshot of an Ally error message I would get: The image has contrast issues. When I fix the contrast issues and re-upload, Canvas removes the ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I've noticed teachers and students have redundant options to use Google LTI 1.3-- for teachers, there are two Google LTI 1.3 options to pick from in the external tool finder (see screenshot 1), and, for students, there are multiple Google opti...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Our college is a recent adopter of Canvas, and I created some test assignments to have a dry run of the process with a small group of 3 test users. For all 3 users, they uploaded a file as per the instructions, and received the 'Submit failed, ple...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I switched classes this semester, but the courses haven't changed on Canvas. It's preventing me from doing my work and I need to get it fixed ASAP.

  • 1 Replies

Hi,  I've got a group assignment set up, but one of the two partners in the group was absent and will have to make up the work for this assignment only.  What would be the best way to split up the group for this assignment only to both not allow the ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Has anyone had experience with more than 450 students wanting to access a course at exactly the same time? Unfortunately, we had the experience that more than 450 users could not access a course because the loading time for opening the course was too...

  • 2 Replies

I left the page and my reply on a post disappeared I think its gone forever but I don't want to believe that because I spent over an hour writing it. If anyone knows anything I can do that would be very helpful!

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I am new to Canvas Notifications.  Please provide instructions on how to turn the daily summary notifications.  I am a part-time student while working full-time, and I appreciate getting notified whenever our instructor posts anything onto Can...

  • 2 Replies

I have three grades in my gradebook. All are published and ready to sync over. However, when I click the button to sync, only two of the three assignments show up to choose from. Why isn't my third assignment showing up?

  • 1 Replies

In New Quizzes, I would like to be able to select a group of questions from a bank and have the quiz randomly pull a set number of those questions into the quiz.  This was a feature of the Classic Quizzes that I really liked.   I do not want to creat...

  • 3 Replies

Hi,I need assistance with receiving the grade/score for assignments when I receive an email alert about grades.We have two email accounts attached to our profile. Both email accounts receive notifications that an assignment or test has been graded bu...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I am a great grandmother babysitting my great grandson.  I won't have any students, classes or give any grades.  How does setting up computer information help me out?

  • 1 Replies

I need to speak with someone who is very knowledgeable when it comes to Canvas LMS.Email is

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  • 3 Replies

When composing a message,  I used to be able to hold down the CTRL key and select specific recipients from a list of students in the course. Now, every time I click on a student name, the list disappears acting as if the CTRL key is not held down, wh...

  • 1 Replies

Anyone have feedback on their experiences between using the Canva 1.1 vs. Canva 1.3 LTI? The setup from the Edu App Center and 1.1 seems very simple. Is it worth it to go to the 1.3 LTI for Canva?

  • 1 Replies

How can I tell if my canvas home work was successfully delivered digitally?

  • 1 Replies

In other LMS's I've used, I've been able to reply privately to individual student posts (even if the initial discussion posts are public to students in the class). Private replies do not seem to be available with Canvas discussion forums. This is dis...

  • 1 Replies

I can't find anyone using that id in canvas at all.

  • 3 Replies

new to canvas and need assistance.  A colleague link all 4 sections of my biology course together.  I would like to undo that and keep the sections separate

  • 1 Replies

At the secondary level, we desperatley need an ability for teachers to "PAUSE" a student test.  Scenario: Student has Period 1 Math Test Student has extended time accommodation (time extension is easily added in "Moderate Quiz").  However, the studen...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to put Dashboard list view in order of class schedule?

  • 1 Replies

How do you quickly copy assignments, pages, modules, edits to multiple courses at the same time (without cross listing)?  I teach 6 course with similar objectives and lesson plans.  I would like to quickly assign or post information without having to...

  • 4 Replies

How do I turn OFF predictive text when I am writing anywhere within Canvas (including right now as I am composing this message)? I just want to permanently turn off the setting, as I find it incredibly distracting. Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

So in the most recent update it seems they did away with the drop down menu to quickly change between sections as well as the drop down menu to change between modules.  Now you have to apply filters so see what you want to see.  No modern gradebook p...

  • 2 Replies