Enhance assignment rules and functionality

Theme Overview

Instructors need more options for assignment dates, deadlines, and rules to meet their own teaching goals, improve the student experience, and to comply with institutional policies.

What value could this provide to users?

  • Instructors have more options to encourage quality, on-time submissions, such as adding a "start by" date, making the "available date" more clear, and nudging students to submit
  • Dragging assignments on the Calendar updates the "available until" date and reflects when an assignment should be started
  • Instructors can place limits on assignment submissions, such as the length of the video or the number of files
  • Increased customization for assignment group weights by section
  • More flexible options for assignment rules that can be automatically applied to save time
  • Changes to the user interface that make it easier to parse for instructors and students

Referenced Ideas (58)

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