Canvas is a global solution, so providing quality guides in multiple languages has always been a top priority for Instructure. Guides in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Welsh have been available for some time. However, only English, Portuguese, and Spanish guides could be found on our community site. The limitations of our previous community platform made publishing and organizing multi-language documentation difficult, so we housed many of those guides in a location outside of our Community.
Bias. Racism. Awareness. Equity. Just a few of the many powerful words heard in recent conversations around the globe following weeks of protests and unrest that clearly demonstrate we all have work to do. These conversations can be difficult, even painful at times, but very necessary. As a Community, our role in these conversations is to create a respectful environment, encourage growth, and empower each individual by sharing resources for learning and discovery.
After spending a social distancing week at home trying to work a full-time job and act as primary caregiver for my two young daughters, I was exhausted.
My Twitter feed has been pretty sour lately with coronavirus this, COVID19 that, and strained learning professionals, eager to help as many people as they can.
On Friday, March 13th, at 4:00 the Governor of the State of Utah announced that all K-12 schools would be immediately closed for two weeks in order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 within our state.
In a very short period of time, I have witnessed how you have re-defined the term Champion, and have gone above and beyond helping your colleagues at FIU College of Business as you designed and implemented a 4 step plan to support them and shared it as well so everyone can benefit from it.
In the face of disruption and uncertainty, educators are finding ways to provide continuity and stability through innovation. Some are reaching out directly to their students, some are lifting and educating other teachers, some are sharing their brilliance with anyone in the world—and some are doing all of these. If you’re in education, you’ve surely been influenced/inspired by an educator who has gone above and beyond in the current circumstances.
I don't know what I would do without you! In addition to saving me from lugging pounds of paperwork home every night, you have also helped me make the world a greener place.
It was from across the room I saw you for the first time. It was years ago, longing to ask you out, but failed for the fear of what my family might think. For me, it was always bad timing and low support. I wasn’t in the right place.
While living in Southwest Missouri, working on my Master's degree in Instructional Technology, teaching high school physics, and coaching soccer, I fell in love with Canvas.