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Who I have encountered seems to have become even more important to me this year, than in any of my previous 5 InstCon gatherings, and than any presentations I have attended this year except maybe for the industry disrupting intel from Mitch Benson an...

Community Champion
InstructureCon 2017
  • 1 Replies

It's pretty late here at the Spy Headquarters...and chow time will come early in the morning. But before I do anything else, I wanted to do a brief brain dump from today. I plan on more detailed blogs in the future, but for now - here are some quick ...

  • 30 Replies

Hi,I made the incorrect assumption that the shuttles were running to the airport at all hours, but they are not. I am am willing to pay $50 cash to an honest and person who can safely transport me to the airportFriday morning at 3:30am. This allows 9...

  • 1 Replies

This excellent session about Canvancements should have just been called "Things Canvas should just do itself already" but since it doesn't, I am very excited to get home and try these. Lots of these things are tools/features we miss from when we were...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 2 Replies

[Session Name]No Need to Blame Canvas @kona ‌[NEED-TO-KNOW]The major takeaways from this session were:Don't assume your instructors and students know how to do anything in Canvas.Give your instructors and students the information they need to focus o...

Community Contributor
InstructureCon 2017
  • 1 Replies

I really feel like the Quizzes 2.0.. is the great illusive pandicorn and will never believe it is real until it is fully here and deployed.  Been waiting for a year. Attempted to pilot/beta and there wasn't much there... so I'm really ho...

Community Contributor
InstructureCon 2017
  • 7 Replies

So I'm a little disappointed in the badge collecting secret mission game. I diligently collected badges yesterday. However, after the AM keynote, things have not been so hot. I was never able to get the badge for the keynote as the app kept timing ou...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 1 Replies

Well...the technical glitches and issues of last year's conference are coming back to haunt us! ...but here are the notes I was able to procure before the mission failed....Sheena Iyengar told us about the entrepreneurial mindset--that is being willi...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 0 Replies

I was here for InstCon 2016 and evening events were always outdoors, and always it rained. I was hoping that maybe this year there would be more coverings for the lot of us to eat in dry space and sit down.  Last night was a total disappointment.  Co...

Community Contributor
InstructureCon 2017
  • 3 Replies

I heard the keynote sessions would be streamed, but haven't found where to access them.  

  • 3 Replies

To keep the tradition alive (once something happens once, it is a tradition, right?) I'm going to attempt to blog all my notes from our secret mission here in Colorado. So below are my key take-aways from what Josh Coates told us. I found his keynote...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 1 Replies

Yeah, this happened! But...we'll get to that.Where to start... I guess best to go in chronological order lest I talk myself, and you poor reader, in circles.Canvas Intelligence Exchangecanvasintel17 Canvas Intelligence Exchange‌The morning started of...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
InstructureCon 2017
  • 11 Replies

This is Agent K reporting on his morning mission behind friendly lines. If this message is intercepted, may God have mercy on our souls, because this was an unsanctioned mission, and the office will disavow any knowledge of this covert action and any...

Community Champion
InstructureCon 2017
  • 3 Replies

Where do we go to register and is there a map?

  • 3 Replies

I'm new here. Happy to meet everyone. I live in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina and am an adjunct professor starting up my first online course using Canvas. My school doesn't have an instructional designer yet, and in any case it is 700 mil...

Community Novice
InstructureCon 2017
  • 8 Replies

One of my colleagues got a red lanyard but the rest of us got white ones. What is the significance of the lanyard color?

  • 2 Replies

It's no agency secret - I think the Canvas Intel Exchange‌ is pretty awesome. When I was approached by "The"  @kona ‌ to help organize the event, I jumped at the opportunity. I'm not sure why she asked me, although I think it was my charmingly good l...

  • 4 Replies

After arriving on Monday, my secret agent Mom and I took to the trails and paths and have successfully gotten in about 40K worth of steps!  We have hiked along the Snake River and the roads both Monday and today - so beautiful and you just do not wan...

Community Contributor
InstructureCon 2017
  • 4 Replies

After a long day of travel to get to Keystone, getting through registration, and settling into my accommodations, it was great to run into familiar faces.  We gathered at Extreme Pizza by the lake to catch up and share a meal.Great pizza, great peopl...

Community Champion
InstructureCon 2017
  • 9 Replies

I've got an hour to kill waiting for my friends. I'd prefer excellent food that isn't too speedy. 

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 0 Replies

Almost 300 apps in the EduAppCenter is great; lots of tools to extend the Canvas platform...but golly, that is a lot for us Canvas Admins to manage.  We have to make sure apps we use meet our standards for protection of student data, accessibility, a...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
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[OPERATIVE]Here's what you need to know about this operative:NAME: @rseilhamTITLE: Instructional Designer / Mobile StrategySCHOOL/ORGANIZATION: University of Central Florida (UCF)# TIMES AT INSTCON: 2013-2016 (4 times)SPECIAL CREDENTIALS: Canvas Coac...

Community Champion
InstructureCon 2017
  • 0 Replies

Currently, activity students do on the mobile apps doesn't show in the faculty analytics. We have about 20% of our students using mobiles to access their content, and many of them are among the students we try to give extra support to. Without those ...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 0 Replies

Trying to decide if I want to "lug" around my MBP or just go iPad. Is there a need for more power at the event? The Canvas app far as I'm concerned for overall use. Anyone want to weigh in (pun not intended, but turns out to be funny)...

  • 2 Replies

This is of critical importance at our institution for a number of reasons;requirement to demonstrate evidence of assessment for accreditation purposes (to external organisations/people)for those with a learning disabilityin general as another mode of...

  • 2 Replies

We asked what you'd like to see, and you said you want:to surface more recent and trending contenta better searchless textbetter (more flat) navigationto surface more useful resourceseasier orientation for new Canvas and new Community users Your Comm...

  • 5 Replies

We asked what you'd like to see, and you said you want:to surface more recent and trending contenta better searchless textbetter (more flat) navigationto surface more useful resourceseasier orientation for new Canvas and new Community usersYour Commu...

  • 4 Replies

Hello people of the InstructureCon clandestine game night cell! It's time to activate and receive your important instructions. Do you go for the longest road or largest army? Do you push your luck collecting loot to get to level 10 or sabotage your p...

Community Champion
InstructureCon 2017
  • 1 Replies

I'm attending InstructureCon 2017, and Instructure has shared my official registered email address with its 3rd party vendors, who are all spamming me.Why has Instructure done this? Who gave Instructure permission to do this?

  • 1 Replies

The InstCon 2017 app does not appear to be working for us. It keeps deleting items we've added to our schedule and then adds ones we never signed up for. (Note: The app has been updated. We've been using it over several days/weeks. We are using iPhon...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2017
  • 6 Replies