How do I manage a learning object from the dashboard in the Elevate Standards Alignment App?
You can manage learning objects from the dashboard in the Elevate Standards Alignment App. You can can create, edit, and maintain all your assets and resources.
Open Manage Learning Objects
In the Dashboard, locate the Manage Learning Objects tile. Click the Manage button.
View Manage Learning Objects Page
In the Manage Learning Objects page, you can filter by Learning Object Type [1] and search by Learning Object Number [2] or Learning Object Title [3].
You can also sort the columns by Object Type [4], Object Number [5], Object Title [6], Grade [7], and Subject [8].
Manage Learning Objects
To view a learning object's details, click the Preview icon [1].
To edit a learning object, click the Edit icon [2].
To delete a learning object, click the Delete icon [3].
Edit Learning Object

In the Edit Learning Object window, you can make any changes to the learning object. When you are finished, click the Update button.