How do I view captions in a video in the Rich Content Editor?
Some videos within Canvas may contain closed captioning. You can enable captions in the video options menu.
Note: If you view a video in a Canvas app, iOS devices can display captions created with WebVTT files. If you cannot view video captions in an iOS device, the caption type is not supported.
00:07: How do I view captions in a video in the rich content editor? 00:11: Embedded videos display directly in canvas 00:15: To view the video captions click the settings icon. 00:19: Then select the captions link. 00:22: Select the language link 00:25: To view captions in an offered language. Click the language name. 00:30: When closed captioning is enabled you can view the captions as the video plays. 00:35: This guide covered how to view captions in a video in the rich content editor.
View Embedded Video

Embedded videos display directly in Canvas.
Note: Videos that are embedded as extra large size or larger with captions display a Captions icon.
Select Caption Language
To view the video captions, click the Settings icon [1] then select the Captions link [2]. To view captions in an offered language, click the language name [3].
View Captions

When closed captioning is enabled, you can view the captions as the video plays.