How do I view all my Canvas courses?

After logging into Canvas, you can view your current courses on the All Courses page. You may also be able to view past and future enrollment courses in Canvas.

The All Courses page displays information about each course including its original name, a nickname, its term, your role in the course, and whether the course is published.

To find a course ID, open a course and view the course URL.

Note: Some institutions may restrict the option to view or access future enrollment courses before the participation dates and/or restrict the option to access concluded courses after the course has ended.

Troubleshooting Tips: If you cannot access a course, review the following:

  • If you are self-enrolling in a course using a join code or URL, you may not have completed the registration process. Check your email for information from your school or teacher as to how to enroll in the course.
  • If your school enrolled you in a course, your enrollment may not have been set up properly. Please contact a course instructor for assistance.
  • If you are an observer creating a Canvas account and linking your account using a pairing code, you may not have completed the registration process. Check your email for information from your school or teacher as to how to enroll in the course.
  • Each course is associated with a specific access date. Depending on the date associated with the course, you may not yet be able to view the course.
  • Courses must be published by your institution before you can access them. If a course is not accessible to you in your course list, it may not be published.
  • Access to concluded courses may be restricted by your institution.
  • Confirm your browser is up to date. Outdated browsers cannot support Canvas courses.

00:07: How do I view all my canvas courses as a student? 00:11: In global navigation, click the courses link. 00:13: Then click the all courses link. 00:17: Courses are organized into all courses past enrollments, future 00:21: enrollments and groups. 00:24: Courses can be sorted by favorite status name nickname 00:28: term enrollment status and publish status by selecting. 00:32: The sort icon in the header groups are sorted alphabetically by 00:36: group name. 00:38: If Allowed by your institution, you can do the institutions public course 00:42: index in a catalog format by clicking the browse more courses button. 00:47: All courses are courses that are part of the current semester or term. 00:50: However, depending on access settings, for a course, 00:54: my course is can also display courses that have not yet started or unpublished. 01:00: Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text, these 01:04: courses have been published and include a link to the course to open 01:08: a course, click the name of the course. 01:11: Courses that are within the current term dates but are not yet available are listed in Black 01:15: text. These courses have not been published and no link is available. 01:20: You can also view any nicknames you have created for courses. 01:24: Is a course, includes a term date. The term date displays. 01:29: Each course includes your role in the course. 01:31: Your Role can be student teacher, ta Observer 01:35: designer or a custom roll created by your Institution. 01:40: Any all courses section. You can customize the courses list and Mark courses 01:44: as favorites. Favorite courses display in the card view dashboard. 01:50: You can change the order that courses are listed by clicking the sort icon in the header. 01:54: The column currently use for sorting displays either the ascending 01:58: or descending icon to indicate the sort order. 02:02: Courses under the past enrollments heading our courses that have concluded, but are still available 02:06: as a read-only archive course. 02:08: You can do course, material and grades but can no longer participate 02:12: in the course. 02:14: Future enrollments are courses. That will be made available as part of an upcoming term 02:18: or specific course start date. Future courses may be published or 02:22: unpublished. However, some institutions May restrict you from being 02:26: published courses before the start date. 02:28: If a future course, includes a link. 02:31: You can do course content but cannot fully participate in the course until 02:35: the start date. Participation include submitting, assignments and 02:39: replying to discussions. It's a future course, does not include 02:44: a link. The course, cannot be viewed until the start date. 02:49: If you are enrolled in groups, the group section displays any groups within 02:53: your current courses. You can do, all your groups in your groups list. 02:58: To view a group home page, click the group named link. 03:03: You can locate your course, ID number at the end of your course URL. 03:08: This guy covered how to view all my canvas courses as a student.

Open Courses

Open Courses

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the All Courses link [2].

View Courses

Courses are organized into All Courses [1], Past Enrollments [2], Future Enrollments [3], and Groups [4].

Courses can be sorted by Favorite status, Name, Nickname, Term, enrollment status, and Published status by selecting the Sort icon in the header [5]. Groups are sorted alphabetically by group name.

If allowed by your institution, you can view the institution's public course index in a catalog format by clicking the Browse More Courses button [6].

View All Courses

All Courses are courses that are part of the current semester or term. However, depending on access settings for a course, My Courses can also display courses that have not yet started or are unpublished.

Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published and include a link to the course. To open a course, click the name of the course.

Courses that are within the current term dates but are not yet available are listed in black text [2]. These courses have not been published and no link is available.

You can also view any nicknames you have created for courses [3].

If a course includes a term date, the term date displays [4].

Each course includes your role in the course [5]. Your role can be student, teacher, TA, observer, designer, or a custom role created by your institution.

In the All Courses section, you can customize the courses list and mark courses as favorites [6]. Favorite courses display in the Card View Dashboard.

You can change the order that courses are listed by clicking the Sort icon in the header [7]. The column currently used for sorting displays either the ascending or descending icon to indicate the sort order [8].

View Past Enrollments

Courses under the Past Enrollments heading are courses that have concluded but are still available as a read-only archived course. You can view course material and grades but can no longer participate in the course.

Note: Some institutions may not allow past enrollments to display in the Courses page.

View Future Enrollments

Future Enrollments are courses that will be made available as part of an upcoming term or specific course start date. Future courses may be published or unpublished. However, some institutions may restrict you from viewing published courses before the start date.

If a future course includes a link [1], you can view course content but cannot fully participate in the course until the start date. Participation includes submitting assignments and replying to discussions.

If a future course does not include a link [2], the course cannot be viewed until the start date.

Note: Some institutions may not allow future enrollments to display in the Courses page.

View Groups

If you are enrolled in groups, the Groups section displays any groups within your current courses. You can view all your groups in your groups list.

To view a group home page, click the group name link.

Learn how to view groups as a student or how to view instructor groups as an instructor.

Find Course ID

Find Course ID

You can locate your Course ID number at the end of your course URL (e.g.,