How do I send a message to all course users in the Inbox?

You may be able to use the Inbox to send a message to all users in a course, all users in a specific role, or all users in a group.

If your recipient list contains more than 100 users, your message will automatically be sent as individual messages to each user. As the sender, you will also be included in the total recipient count.

Learn more about the Inbox.


  • Messaging all users is a course permission. If you cannot send a message to all users, your institution has restricted this feature.
  • Once your course has concluded, you cannot send a message to all users.
  • Users display in the Inbox once they have an active enrollment in the course, and users cannot join a course unless it is published.

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00:07: How do I send a message to all course users in the inbox? 00:11: In global navigation click the inbox link 00:15: Click the compose icon. 00:18: In the course drop-down menu select the course where you want to send your message. 00:23: Click the address book button. 00:26: To send a message to all users in the course select the all-in course 00:30: name option. 00:32: To send a message to all members with a specific user role. 00:35: Click the name of that role. 00:38: Then click the link for all users with that role. 00:41: To send a message to all members with a specific group. 00:43: Click the student groups option. 00:47: Click the name of the group. 00:50: Then click the all-in group option. 00:53: In the subject line field enter a subject line for your message. 00:58: If you are sending your message to multiple users, but you do not want each user 01:02: to see who else was included in the message. Click the send an individual message to 01:06: each recipient. Checkbox. If your message includes over 100 01:10: recipients including you as the sender this checkbox is selected 01:14: by default. 01:17: In the message field type your message all content is sent in plain 01:21: text URLs included in a message automatically become clickable 01:25: links after the message is sent. 01:28: If you want to include an attachment or media file, click the attachment or media 01:32: file buttons. 01:34: When you are finished click the send button. 01:37: Your message will appear at the top of your scent folder when someone replies to your 01:41: message, the message will be shown in the inbox. 01:45: This guide covered how to send a message to all course users in the inbox.

Open Inbox

Open Inbox

In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.

Compose Message

Click the Compose icon.

Note: The toolbar may appear different if your admin has enabled the auto-response or signature. For more information, visit How do I manage my Inbox settings as a student?

Select Course

Select Course

In the Course drop-down menu [1], select the course where you want to send a message [2].

Open Address Book

Open Address Book

Click the Address Book button.

Select All Users in Course

Select All Users in Course

To send a message to all users in the course, select the All in [course name] option.

Select User Role

Select User Role

To send a message to all members with a specific user role, click the name of that role [1] and then click the link for all users with that role [2].

Select Group

Select Group

To send a message to all members with a specific group, click the Student Groups option [1], click the name of the group [2], and then click the All in [group] option [3].

Send Message

Send Message

In the subject line field [1], enter a subject line for your message.

If you are sending your message to multiple users, but you do not want each user to see who else was included in the message, click the Send an individual message to each recipient checkbox [2]. If your message includes over 100 recipients (including you as the sender), this checkbox is selected by default.

In the message field [3], type your message. All content is sent in plain text. URLs included in a message automatically become clickable links after the message is sent.

If you want to include an attachment or media file, click the Attachment or Media File buttons [4].

When you are finished, click the Send button [5].

View Message

Your message will appear at the top of your Sent folder. When someone replies to your message, the message will be shown in the Inbox.

Note: You can reply to the recipient or reply-all to everyone in the class.