What are Grades and the Gradebook?
Grades can serve as a communication tool between students and instructors and allow instructors to track the progress of students.
The Gradebook stores all information about student progress in the course, measuring both letter grades and course outcomes.
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00:00: In this video you will learn how to use the Gradebook in Canvas. 00:04: The Gradebook allows instructors to easily input, manage, and release grades to students. To get started, click the Grades link in Course Navigation. 00:14: When you first open the Grades page, the course Gradebook view displays by default. The course Gradebook view displays a list of all students and assignments in your course. 00:25: At the top of the Gradebook you can also access the Gradebook options 00:29: utilize the search function 00:32: open the keyboard shortcuts 00:35: and open gradebook settings. 00:38: Before students submit assignments in your course, you should configure your course grading policies. You can set automatic grading policies for late and missing assignments, select a course-wide grade posting policy, and enable advanced grading options in Gradebook Settings. 00:55: To open Gradebook Settings, click the Settings icon. 00:59: From the Late Policies tab you can ask Canvas to automatically deduct points for missing and late submissions. To automatically apply a grade for missing submissions, click the Automatically apply grade for missing submissions checkbox and enter the grade in the Grade Percentage for missing submissions field. 01:17: To automatically deduct points for late submissions, click the Automatically apply deduction to late submissions checkbox. Enter a deduction percentage, an interval, and a lowest possible grade percent. 01:30: From the Grade Posting Policy tab you can specify a course-wide grade posting policy. When you select an automatic posting policy for the course, assignment scores and instructor comments are visible to students upon entry. 01:44: When you select a manual posting policy for the course, any assignment score or comment remains hidden from student view until you manually post grades for each assignment. 01:54: From the View Options tab you can use the Arrange by drop-down menu to display assignments alphabetically, or by due date, points possible, or module. 02:04: The Show options allows you to enable Notes, Unpublished Assignments, Split Student Names, Hide Assignment Group Totals, or Hide Total Columns 02:15: The Status Color settings allow you to customize the displayed status color for assignment submissions. Customize the status color options for late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, and excused assignments. 02:29: To apply your settings, click the Apply Settings button. 02:33: By default, the Student Name list displays all students alphabetically by last name in descending order. 02:40: You can manage the list display in the Student Name options menu. 02:48: The Sort by options allow you to display students by data type. Available sortable data type options include student name, SIS ID, Integration ID, or Login Id. You can also order the student list to display student names in ascending or descending order based on the selected data type. 03:08: The Display as options allow you to view student names by first name last name or last name first name. The display option does not affect your selected Sort by options. 03:19: The Secondary info options allow you to manage the secondary student information that displays below student names in the Student Names list. You can also choose to remove secondary information by clicking the None option. 03:32: You can also choose to view inactive and concluded student enrollments in the student list. 03:38: The course Gradebook assignments list displays your course assignments in the same order that they appear on the Assignments page. 03:45: The Filters options allow you to enable assignment display filters. 03:49: You can create and apply specific gradebook filters that may be used once or saved for future use. 03:55: You can enable group, module, section, student group, status, submissions, start & end dates, and, if applicable, grading period filters. Enabled filters display above the assignments columns in your gradebook. To filter assignments, click the filter drop-down menu and select an option. 04:17: Multiple filters can be applied to offer more precise views of your gradebook data. 04:22: To reset the filters, click the Clear All Filters button, or click the x on the individual filters. 04:29: The gradebook assignments columns scroll horizontally while the Student Name column remains static. 04:35: When you create a new course assignment, an assignment column is automatically added to the Gradebook. You can resize a column or drag-and-drop an assignment column to a new location in the Gradebook. 04:47: o view options for an assignment, click the assignment Options menu. 04:52: In the menu, you can sort the gradebook to display by grade or status. 04:57: You can also use the SpeedGrader, message students, curve grades, set a default grade, post hidden grades, hide grades that have been posted, enter the grade as another grading option, and download student assignment submissions. 05:12: You can also set a grade posting policy for an individual assignment. 05:17: In the Grade Posting Policy Sidebar, 05:20: you can select to post grades for the assignment automatically. Selecting an automatic posting policy allows students to view their assignment score and instructor comments upon entry in the gradebook or SpeedGrader. 05:33: Alternatively, you can select to manually post grades for the assignment. Selecting a manual posting policy hides all student grades and instructor comments from student view until you manually post grades from the assignment Options menu. 05:47: The different icons and colors in the gradebook cells represent assignment and submission statuses within Canvas. 05:54: To enter or edit scores in the Gradebook, click the cell for the assignment and student that you want to change. 06:01: Enter the score according to the assignment grading option. 06:05: To view additional details about a submission, click the Grade Detail Tray icon in the assignment cell. 06:12: he tray displays the student’s name, the name of the assignment, a link to view the submission in SpeedGrader, grading information, submission status options, and a comment field. 06:24: The gradebook also displays a total column for each assignment group and for the total grade for each student in the course. If you have enabled the final grade override, the Override column displays next to the Total column in the Gradebook. 06:38: You can import and export gradebook data from the Actions menu. To export a CSV file of your gradebook, click the Export link. To import changes to your gradebook, click the Import link and select the CSV file with your changes. 06:54: In the Gradebook menu, 06:57: you can switch to the Gradebook Individual View. 07:00: This view allows you to assess individual students and individual assignments one at a time. 07:06: In Global Settings, select your preferred Gradebook settings. 07:10: In Content Selection, select individual students and assignments using the Select a drop-down menus. You can also use the Previous and Next buttons to quickly navigate to new students or assignments. 07:23: The Grading section displays the selected content. 07:27: You can view additional information in the Student Information and Assignment Information sections. 07:33: To return to the course Gradebook View, click the Gradebook drop-down menu and select Gradebook. 07:40: In the Gradebook menu you can also switch to the Gradebook History page. 07:45: Gradebook History displays a log of grading changes in your course. Use the gradebook history filter options to view gradebook history by student, grader, assignment, and date. 07:56: You've now completed this overview video on the Gradebook. For additional information on this or any other topic about Canvas, please visit guides.canvaslms.com. You can also ask questions and engage with other Canvas users by visiting community.canvaslms.com.
What is the Gradebook?
The Gradebook helps instructors easily input and distribute grades for students. Grades for each assignment can be calculated as points, percentages, complete or incomplete, pass or fail, GPA scale, and letter grades, and assignments can be organized into groups for weighting as well.
You can also use SpeedGrader to help you assign out grades.
Columns are automatically created in the Gradebook when you create and publish assignments, graded discussions, and graded quizzes and surveys. A column is also automatically added for the Attendance tool.
When would I use the Gradebook?
Use the Gradebook to:
- View grades by grading periods
- View assignment submission notifications and assignment details
- Sort the gradebook by assignment due dates, student names, secondary id, total scores, or group scores (if applicable)
- Create and apply specific gradebook filters that may be used once or saved for future use
- Download assignment submissions from students to grade or view them offline when no internet connection is available
- Manually enter student grades
- Automatically calculate total and final grades
- Assign zeros after deadline
- Simultaneously view grade information across all courses
- Notify students when an assignment has been graded
- View Grade history and revert updated assignment scores to previous scores (including grades from multiple submissions and/or regraded quizzes)
- Download or upload Grades as a CSV file
- Hide grades from students until they are published
- Create custom curving and grade ranges
- Message students who have submitted an assignment, who haven't submitted an assignment yet, have not been graded, who scored more than X or less than Y on an assignment, or had an assignment reassigned.
- Leave private grading notes/comments for the student
- Excuse an assignment, discussion, or quiz for a student
Note: To view a window with a list of keyboard navigation shortcuts, press the Shift+Question Mark keys simultaneously on your keyboard.
What is the Learning Mastery Gradebook?
The Learning Mastery Gradebook helps instructors and admins assess the outcome standards being used in Canvas courses rather than letter grades. This gradebook helps institutions measure student learning for accreditation and better assess the needs of their students.
When would I use the Learning Mastery Gradebook?
Use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to:
- Measure student progress and student learning
- View student scores based on learning standards and outcomes
- Filter students based on mastery learning levels
- View course statistics
- Assess course curriculum and teaching methods