How do I set usage rights and user access for a file or folder?
If the copyright and license information requirement is enabled in your course or account, you have to set a usage right (copyright) for each file you upload to your course. Usage rights must be assigned to files before files can be published to the course.
If the copyright and license information requirement is enabled in your course, you can set usage rights for all files that currently exist within a folder. Folders themselves cannot hold a usage right attribute, so the folder passes the usage right to the existing files in the folder at the time the usage right is defined. Therefore, you can create a folder, add all files to the folder, and then define the usage right for the folder and apply the right to all files at once.
This action does not apply to any files added to the folder after the usage right is set. If additional files are added at a later time, you will have to reset the usage right for the folder or set file usage rights individually.
- If you are an instructor, you can manage course file usage rights requirements through the File Copyright course details setting. To manage usage rights requirements, learn how to set course details.
- If you are an admin, you can manage file copyright and license requirements in Account details.
00:07: How do I set usage rights and user access for a file? 00:11: In account group or course navigation click the files link 00:17: Click the line item for the file. 00:20: Access the option to manage usage rights. 00:23: You can also click the files warning icon or the files toolbar manage 00:27: usage rights link. 00:29: In the usage rate drop-down menu select one of five usage rights. 00:33: If you are an instructor and are not sure which usage write applies to your file, please 00:38: consult your institutional admin for guidance. 00:42: If known enter the copyright holder information in the copyright holder field. 00:48: You can also set availability to the file by default. 00:51: The file is unpublished. You can also publish the file or 00:55: restrict access. To select file availability click 00:59: the radio button next to the access type You can change the access 01:03: at any time. 01:06: In course settings visibility defaults to course visibility however 01:10: for individual files the default is whatever the instructor selected 01:14: in course settings. 01:17: Click the save button. 01:19: View the updated file. 01:21: This guide covered how to set usage rights and user access for a file.
Open Files

In Course Navigation, click the Files link.
Manage Usage Rights

Click the line item for the file or folder [1]. Click the Options icon [2] and the Manage Usage Rights link [3]. You can also click the file or folder's warning icon [4], or the Files toolbar Manage Usage Rights icon [5].
Select Usage Right

In the Usage Right drop-down menu [1], select one of the following five usage rights:
- I hold the copyright: file contains original content created by you
- I have obtained permission to use this file: file has authorized permission by the author
- The material is in the public domain: material is explicitly assigned to public domain, cannot be copyrighted, or is no longer protected by copyright
- The material is subject to an exception - e.g. fair use, the right to quote, or others under applicable copyright laws: the file is an excerpt or summary used for commentary, news reporting, research, or analysis in education
- The material is licensed under Creative Commons: this option also requires setting a specific Creative Commons license
If known, enter the copyright holder information in the Copyright Holder field [2].
Note: If you are an instructor and are not sure which usage right applies to your file, please consult your institutional admin for guidance.
Set File or Folder Availability

You can also set availability to the file or folder. By default, the file is unpublished.
You can also set availability to all files in the folder. By default, all files are unpublished.
You can also publish the file or folder or restrict access.
To select a file or files in the folder availability, click the radio button next to the access type. You can change the access at any time.
Set File or Folder Visibility

In Course Settings, visibility defaults to course visibility. However, for individual files, the default is whatever the instructor selected in Course Settings.
Save File

Click the Save button.
View File

View the updated file.
Note: To view files in the folder, click and open the folder name you set user rights and user access.