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My org is evaluating an LTI tool(GitHub Classroom) in our test Canvas instance hosted by Instructure. We are working with the vendor's support to identify a resolution to this issue. No progress so far, hoping the community here can help. Unlike most...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to create folders to organize tiles? such as favorite, training, etc.

  • 3 Replies

Need help urgently!Our orientation program needs to track student progress across different modules in Canvas. Has anyone used Canvas to monitor completion and engagement in a detailed way?Would love some tips 

  • 3 Replies

Has anyone set up an orientation on Canvas that works well for both in-person and remote students?We’re expecting students from various locations this time, and I want to make sure it’s accessible for everyone.

  • 1 Replies

I'm a student. In my account I have the main address (that I have registered the first), the second and the third. My second email is confirmed. Now I want to make the main address my third email. BUT I can't confirm it, because I don't recieve the e...

  • 2 Replies

Ok have read the guide but am looking at an answer to the following that I can't see answered anywhere. I am an admin, and can add/edit...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I am having the following issue with the office365 LTI. If a user is a member of my microsoft tenant the LTI works as normal with no issues however if I invite a user as a guest from another tenant even if I make them a member of my tenant I a...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have created a separate canvas course for an optional project. How do I send an invite to students to join this course?Thank you

  • 2 Replies

Is there some way I can trick Canvas into a very simple lateness penalty of 50% if the item is late at all?  None of this incrementally increasing penalty by hour or day?  I thought I was doing this by setting "lowest possible grade" to 50%.  But, I ...

  • 2 Replies

This is a screenshot of a student that has the pending flag still attached to their account, but you can see from the Last Activity that they have been in the course. This screenshot is from the People section of the course.  I can also confirm in t...

  • 5 Replies

In Canvas, we have both 'Groups' and 'Sections'—could someone provide examples or further clarification on how they differ in terms of functionality and usage within the platform?  

  • 3 Replies

A student has the wrong user ID in Canvas.The correct one is now being sent in our Canvas extract process, but it doesn't replace the wrong one.Can an Admin correct the ID?  OR do I need to Inactivate the ID (by sending 'inactive') for it ? Thanks.  

  • 6 Replies

When an assignment is peer-reviewed using a rubric, the student-submitted rubric is not displayed on the Speedgrader until the teacher completes their own rubric. Is there a way to see the student's rubric in Speedgrader before the teacher submits th...

  • 4 Replies

For compliance reasons we are required to provide our students with a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) of the questions they got wrong in a multiple-choice assignment/test. Each question in the test has a reference in which the student is to review ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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  There are some issues when using the Mastery Gradebook system that I can't find an answer for or solution to. Two of the issues are shown in the screenshot attached. When any quiz or assignment posts a score linked to an outcome that is not exactly...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Has anyone else encountered the issue of announcements and discussion posts not displaying?Since the end of October, we’ve experienced a problem with Canvas announcements and discussion boards, where posts with an 'available time' setting sometimes f...

  • 4 Replies

Mediasite Lti13 ErrorVersion 8.35.0 Build 63  Error SummaryThe current request is not valid.I am receiving this message on a lecture video.

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, please let me know if it is mandatory to have the Foundation certificate to pass the Practitioner. I've brought the Practitioner certificate but don't have the foundation one. Is it nice to have, or do they require additional evaluation and v...

  • 1 Replies

I have had Desmos activities embedded into Canvas pages for a few years now. Last week, I found that when students try to join any of them, they receive an error that they do not have permission to access it (first attached image). This has never hap...

  • 4 Replies

Can I integrate the "Assignments" in Microsoft Teams into the Canvas system?

  • 2 Replies

Hello!So, the app sent me a notification that I received a grade in one of my subjects, and it was there. However, when I went to look for it in the site to know my class standing (with the quartiles since it’s not an app feature), it wasn’t visible....

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to move multiple items from one module to another.  I do not want to move all the items, but I do want to move quite a few of them.  Instead of clicking on the kebab for each item or dragging each item, I would like to move a group of ...

  • 1 Replies

When I want to delete a person, I click on the "Delete from ararge" section in the first photo, then I confirm, but I get the error shown in the second image.

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone, I'm using New Quizzes in Canvas to conduct assessments and I need to download a report that shows each student's responses in detail, ideally as an Excel or CSV file. I've tried accessing the “Moderate” and “Reports” sections, but I c...

  • 2 Replies

Can the formula question type handle negative numbers for multiplying and dividing questions? I have been trying to put in simple multiplication questions and can't seem to get negative numbers to work.I have done (`x`)(`y`) and then set x to be 1 to...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to select multiple files I have already uploaded to the "Files" section in Canvas to submit them for an assignment. At present, I can only select one at a time to turn in.If I need to submit multiple files I've already uploaded, I need to...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to import content from the iCEV platform in the form of a Common Cartridge. Everything shows up in my modules and looks fine until I try to open something. I get the error message,  "Couldn't find valid settings for this link." Any sugges...

  • 3 Replies

When using SpeedGrader, if you add a comment from the Comment Library, then move your cursor to the grade box and type in a number for the grade, the number will appear at the top of the comment box instead of the grade box.This did not happen until ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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When we do the automatic course creation process from our SIS, our current process is that all courses default to being Published. I'm curious as to what other schools (Higher Education) do and pros/cons. For us, by having the courses default to bein...

  • 11 Replies

Hello team So I have come across a specific field while I am creating a quiz (New Quizzes). That is the "submission type" field which is not edible. Please see the attached screenshot. Does anyone know its functionality and if it can be edible how we...

  • 3 Replies