LearnPlatform FAQs

We've included some of our most frequently asked questions here for you. Feel free to suggest others; write to us anytime at support-lp@instructure.com.

Can we assign more than one status to a product/create our own data elements for each product?

Currently, LearnPlatform allows for one approval status and one privacy status per tool. Both status types are fully customizable and can be as detailed as a district would like. Resources or Tags can be used to add additional text information for any products in your library.

See How To Set a Product Status

Does LearnPlatform determine the privacy compliance of LearnCommunity library products?

No, LearnPlatform does not determine privacy compliance of products. LearnPlatform aims to equip districts with the information they need to determine privacy compliance according to their unique terms. We have a Privacy Tab for each product that provides privacy information from third party integrations with partners and speaks to how other districts are labeling the product. We also provide the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the product when possible.

See What Is The Privacy Tab

How long does it take to build out my organization's library?

Google Districts: Initially, building out your library can take as little as a few minutes from the Usage tab. Populating these products with contract dates, pricing information, and assets will take additional time. 

Non-Google Districts: Building the library takes several hours depending on how many products a district would like to add. Populating these products with contract dates, pricing information, and assets will take additional time. If your district uses iOS, you may get data by using Jamf.

See Adding Products to Your Product Library

What kind of student data is needed to use LearnPlatform? Do you track student actions?

  • Google Districts
    • No student data is required to use LearnPlatform’s module and we do not track student actions within a website with the extension. See Accessing and Understanding Usage Data.
    • If you are a Google district interested in using the LearnPlatform Chrome student extension, providing student email, grade level and school will allow you filtering functionality by student grade level or organization. See Filtering the Usage Dashboard.
    • We never need student names for this and the extension only recognizes that they have visited an EdTech site - not the actions taking place on the site. 
  • Non-Google Districts
    • No student data of any kind is needed to use the Platform.
  • For all organizations utilizing IMPACT Analysis: Student data is required for use of the IMPACT module. Even then, LearnPlatform collects the minimum data required to provide useful insights, and the IMPACT report does not display individual student information.

Can administrators chat with teachers in app to get additional information for a product request?

LearnPlatform aims to create formalized processes and workflows between administrators and teachers to help keep information centralized. Although there is no in-product chat option, administrators can customize product request forms to include additional questions that are relevant to the district and utilize the notes feature in Asset management to share contextual information about products.

See How To Customize Your Request Form

Can we see what other organizations are doing/using in LearnPlatform?

An organization cannot see another organization’s data in LearnPlatform. Anonymous teacher feedback data and discussion will be rolled up to the LearnCommunity library, but it will not be linked to the organization. The product privacy tab also gives a count of how many organizations have assigned that product to each system status - but this is also anonymous. IMPACT analysis reports and feedback can be shared with parent organizations, but that is an optional administrator option.

See What Is The Privacy Tab?