Filtering the Usage Dashboard

LearnPlatform users who have installed the LearnPlatform Chrome or Edge Extensions across their student and educator groups have the opportunity to view statistics about their usage of certain products in the LearnCommunity library.  Those statistics can be filtered in a variety of ways by:

  • Date
  • Data Source
  • Organization
  • Groups
  • Subject
  • Grade Level
  • Approval and Privacy Statuses

Generally, the filters act as AND operators.  For example, if you select Organization = Acme High School and Approval Status = Pending you will only return products where both things are true (products marked as Pending where someone associated with Acme High School had usage).

Filtering by Date

Administrators may limit the date range that the inventory data displays by selecting the Date Filter.  The range is shown as the end-of-day before, to the end-of-day of the end date listed.

Filtering by date

The date filter defaults to This Week and has the following options plus a custom selection:

  • Yesterday - All of the last full day completed.  
    • Example: If it is 11/27, the dashboard will show 11/25-11/26 which includes data from just before midnight on 11/25 through the end of the day on 11/26.  
  • Last Week - All of the last full week completed.  
    • Weeks are Monday through Sunday.
  • This Week - Everything up to this point since the preceding Monday.
  • Last Month - All of the last full month completed.  
    • October would be listed as 9/30-10/31 for example.
  • This Month - Everything up to this point since the month began.
  • Last 3 Months - All of the last 3 full months completed.  
    • If it is November 27th, the last full month completed would be October.
  • Last 6 Months - All of the last 6 full months completed.
  • Last Year - All of the last year completed.
    • Years are July to June.
  • This Year - Everything up to this point since the year began (July 1st).
  • Custom Period - With Custom Period you can define your own period by selecting the start date and end date.  

Since the display date is end-of-day to end-of-day, the start date shown will be one day ahead of the date selected

Filtering by Data Source

Filtering by Data Source

If your organization is acquiring data from more than one source, you can filter between the different sources on your Inventory dashboard.

Filtering by Organization

Administrators can also filter the data view by any of the organizations that show up in their Members > Organizations list.  Selecting an organization will show all usage of all users associated with that organization.

TIP: In order to take advantage of this feature, rosters must associate user accounts of interest with an organization.  Both students and teachers may be rostered. Uploading rosters should have been completed during implementation, however, if your organization did not choose to roster and would like to know, or if you are noticing discrepancies, please contact us at They will provide you options for uploading rosters.

In some instances, an organization will have elected to not share data.  If a child organization limits data sharing (as set up in Settings > Memberships > Sharing Settings at the child organization), then the organization will be shown with a "not sharing" data note.  In some instances where members are shared across organizations you will still see some data even when the only selection is a child who is not sharing data.  That data is limited only to data for that individual and any data exclusively controlled by that organization is not shared.

Filtering by organizations is disabled for accounts with no child organizations.  Typically school-level accounts do not have child organizations.  

TIP: In order to take advantage of this feature, rosters must associate user accounts of interest with an organization.  Both students and teachers may be rostered. Uploading rosters should have been completed during implementation, however, if your organization did not choose to roster and would like to know, or if you are noticing discrepancies, please contact us at They will provide you options for uploading rosters.

In some instances, an organization will have elected to not share data.  If a child organization limits data sharing (as set up in Settings > Memberships > Sharing Settings at the child organization), then the organization will be shown with a "not sharing" data note.  In some instances where members are shared across organizations you will still see some data even when the only selection is a child who is not sharing data.  That data is limited only to data for that individual and any data exclusively controlled by that organization is not shared.

Filtering by organizations is disabled for accounts with no child organizations.  Typically school-level accounts do not have child organizations. 

Filtering by Group

Filtering by Group will only display products being used by predetermined Groups. For example, you can filter your data by groups like "math teachers", "technology coordinators", or "ELL educators".

Filtering by Subject

Filtering by subject will only display products that are tagged with the subject selected.  If a product is not appearing in results when searching by subject even though you know it has usage, it may be due to missing or incomplete subject tags.  In that case, contact LearnPlatform by emailing and we will update the tags.

Filtering by Grade Level

Filtering by grade level will return products used by educators and students that are associated with the grade levels selected. In order to get meaningful results from the grade level filter, some method of rostering or association of the usage data with grade levels must have taken place in LearnPlatform. 

TIP: In order to take advantage of this feature, rosters must associate user accounts of interest with an organization.  Both students and teachers may be rostered. Uploading rosters should have been completed during implementation, however, if your organization did not choose to roster and would like to know, or if you are noticing discrepancies, please contact us at They will provide you options for uploading rosters.

Filtering by Approval and Privacy Statuses

Filtering by Aproval and Privacy Statuses

Administrators may filter by any of the statuses configured in Settings > Statuses.  

To configure product statuses see Custom Statuses.

The filtering uses AND operators meaning that if an Approval Status of Approved is selected and a Privacy Status of Complaint is selected, only products that have been tagged with both Approved and Compliant will be returned.

A special status of Not in Library is associated with any product that does not have a Product Status and is therefore not part of the organization’s product library.  Selecting this status is useful for returning products that have not yet been vetted but are showing some level of usage.