How do I view my courses in the Card View Dashboard?

The Card View Dashboard displays course cards for all your customized favorite or active courses. Course Cards can help you organize your courses by allowing you to add a nickname or customize the color, which is synced with the color shown for the course in the Calendar.

The Card View Dashboard also includes the Dashboard sidebar, which includes items in your To-Do list and includes a link to the global Grades page.

Favorited courses are removed from the Card View Dashboard when the courses are concluded. Concluded courses that were previously favorited are still shown as favorited in the Courses list.

Note: Depending on your institution's preference, the Card View may be your default Dashboard. If it is not, you can change your Dashboard view to Card View. Learn about changing the Dashboard view as a student, as an instructor, or as an observer/parent.

00:07: How do I do my favorite courses in the card view dashboard as a student, 00:12: By default, active course cards are automatically added by canvas and 00:16: display up to 20 courses. Dashboard courses 00:20: are ordered alphabetically, by course name and your role in the course, nicknames, 00:24: and course codes do not apply to course, ordering courses with instructor 00:28: roles are listed first, followed by Thai rolls and student rolls. 00:33: Course, card, show an overview, of course information, including the course. 00:36: Name course, code and term. 00:40: Each card can include up to for tabs, which represent the four main Candace 00:44: features for student course activity assignments. 00:47: Announcements discussions and files. 00:50: These tabs mimic visibility and order in course navigation. 00:54: So, for instance, if an instructor hides, the announcements link the 00:58: announcements tab will not display on the course card. 01:02: An unread icon on the discussions or announcements tab indicates. 01:05: That there is a new discussion or announcement in the course. 01:08: The number in the icon indicates the number of new items. 01:13: If one of your courses include the long are confusing name, you can create a nickname 01:17: for your course, most courses are created using student Information 01:21: Systems. Sis that generate course names, based on terms, 01:25: departments and section numbers, and courses with similar names, 01:29: may be hard to distinguish. 01:32: Course nicknames appear in the dashboard course, navigation, menu. 01:35: Course, breadcrumbs and notification emails. 01:40: Of course, nickname does not affect the course name at the account. 01:43: Or course level it only changes the name of the course where the individual user, 01:47: who created the nickname 01:50: If you need to know the original name of the course, you can have her over the nickname. 01:53: And the original name will appear. Additionally, the course code 01:58: is not affected and always displays on the course card, for course reference 02:03: To add a nickname, click the options icon, then type the name 02:07: and then nickname field, click the apply button. 02:11: To remove a nickname open the card options and remove the nickname. 02:14: The nickname field will display. 02:17: The original name of the course, 02:20: Course cards can help you organize your courses by customizing the color. 02:23: Which is synced with the color shown for the course in the calendar to change 02:27: the color, click the cards options icon, then select a new color, 02:31: the check mark indicates, the selected color and a hex 02:35: color code displays in the text field. 02:38: If you want to use a color not shown in the window, you can enter 02:42: the colors hex code directly in the text filled. 02:44: The hex field will display a warning icon. 02:47: If the hex code is not valid, additionally, any variation 02:51: of white is not accepted as a course color. 02:55: Click on move. 02:58: Click on color. 03:01: Click on move. 03:04: Click on color. 03:07: Click on color. 03:10: Click on move. 03:13: Click on color. 03:16: Click on move. 03:19: Click on color. 03:22: Select dashboard View. 03:25: Celexa course image. 03:28: This guy detailed, the specific actions required to view and customize favorite 03:32: courses in the card view dashboard. On, in structure for employee training,

View Course Cards

View Course Cards

By default, active course cards are automatically added by Canvas and display up to 20 courses.

You can also choose to customize the course card display by adding or removing courses as favorite courses.

Dashboard courses are ordered alphabetically by course name and your role in the course; nicknames and course codes do not apply to course ordering. Courses with instructor roles are listed first, followed by TA roles and student roles.  

If you are an instructor, course cards may be organized by published courses and unpublished courses.

Note: If you customize the course list and manually select at least one course as a favorite, the Dashboard will only display favorite courses. Canvas will also continue to automatically favorite new published course enrollments.

View Card Details

View Card Details

Course cards show an overview of course information including the course name (or nickname), course code, and term [1].

Each card can include up to four tabs [2], which represent the four main Canvas features for student course activity: Assignments, Announcements, Discussions, and Files. These tabs mimic visibility and order in Course Navigation, so for instance, if an instructor hides the Announcements link, the Announcements tab will not display on the course card.

An unread icon on the Discussions or Announcements tab indicates that there is a new discussion or announcement in the course [3]. The number in the icon indicates the number of new items.

Create Nickname

Manage Nickname

If a course has a long or confusing name, you can create a nickname for your course. Most courses are created using Student Information Systems (SIS) that generate course names based on terms, departments, and section numbers, and courses with similar names may be hard to distinguish.

To add a nickname, click the Options icon [1], then enter the name in the Nickname field [2]. Click the Apply button [3].

To remove a nickname, open the card options and delete the nickname. The Nickname field will display the original name of the course. Then, click the Apply button.


  • A course nickname does not affect the course code, which always displays on the course card for course reference.
  • A course nickname does not affect the course name at the account or course level; it only changes the name of the course for the individual user who created the nickname.
  • Course nicknames appear in the Dashboard, Course Navigation Menu, course breadcrumbs, and notification emails. Nicknames do not display in the global Grades page and Dashboard sidebar elements such as the To Do list.
  • Course nicknames are limited to 59 characters.

View Original Name

View Original Name

If you added a nickname but need to know the original name of the course, hover the cursor over the nickname [1]; view the original course name in the tooltip hover text [2].

Change Course Color

Change Course Color

You can customize the color of course cards, which is synced with the color shown for the course in the Calendar. To change the color of a course card, click the card's Options icon [1], then select a new color. The check mark indicates the selected color [2], and the associated hex color code displays in the Hex Code field [3].

To use a color not shown in the window, enter the color's hex code directly in the Hex Code field.

Click the Apply button [4]. 


  • Any variation of white is not accepted as a course color.
  • If you enter an invalid hex code, a warning icon displays.
  • If you change the color for a course in the Calendar, the color also updates in the Dashboard.

Move Course Cards

Reorder Course Cards

You can also move a course card to another location in the Dashboard or remove a card from the Dashboard. Click the Options icon [1] and select the Move tab [2]. Depending on the placement of the existing card, you can move the card to the top of the Dashboard, ahead or behind a specific card, or to the bottom of the Dashboard [3].

Once a dashboard card has been reordered, new courses added to the Dashboard always display at the end of all existing courses.

To remove the course card from the Dashboard, click the Unfavorite option [4].

Note: The Unfavorite option only displays if you previously selected favorite courses.

Drag and Drop Course Cards

Drag and Drop Course Cards

You can also manually drag and drop a course card to another location in the Dashboard. Click a course card and drag it to the desired location.

View Color Overlay

Some courses may include an image for the course behind the course color [1]. By default, course cards with an image include a color overlay.

Remove Color Overlay

To remove the color overlay from all course cards that contain an image, click the Options icon [1] and then deselect the Color Overlay option [2].

Remove Color Overlay

When the Color Overlay is removed, the course color will display as a circle behind the card's Options icon.