How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as an instructor?

The Global Navigation Menu is located on the left side of every page in Canvas. Global Navigation links provide quick access to frequently used Canvas features. These links provide access to all your courses collectively. Default links include the Dashboard, Courses, Groups, Calendar, Inbox, User Account, and the Help menu.

Depending on your institution account settings, other links may appear in the Global Navigation Menu.

Note: If you have enabled the Canvas Elementary Theme in a course, the Global Navigation Menu will display a different font when viewing that course.

View Account

View Account

To view your user information, click the Account link. A menu will expand and display links to access your user settings, notification settings, personal files, and ePortfolios (if enabled). If your institution has enabled Profiles, you can access your profile.

You can also use the Account link to log out of Canvas.

View Dashboard

The Dashboard is the landing page after a user logs in to Canvas. The Dashboard can be toggled to a course view or recent activity view and shows notifications for all current Canvas courses.

View Courses

View Courses

To view your courses, click the Courses link [1]. The Courses menu is organized by published courses [2] and unpublished courses [3].

The Courses menu also displays your favorite courses. If no courses are selected as favorites, the course list displays all current courses.

To view a course, click the name of the course [4].

If a course includes term dates, the name of the term displays as part of the course listing [5]. If a course includes a SIS ID, the SIS ID displays after the term.

To customize your courses list or view all your Canvas courses, click the All Courses link [6].

View Groups

View Groups

If you are enrolled in Groups, view your groups in the Groups link [1]. A menu expands and displays all groups in current courses where you are enrolled.

To view a group, click the name of the group [2]. To view all your groups, click the All Groups link [3].

Note: Groups cannot be customized in the drop-down menu.

View Calendar

To view your Calendar, click the Calendar link.

View Inbox

To view your Conversations Inbox, click the Inbox link. Conversations is the Canvas messaging system where you can communicate with other users in your courses. The number of new messages are shown as part of the Inbox icon.

View History

View History

To view your recent Canvas course page view history, click the History link. Recent History displays up to three weeks of your Canvas course page view history.

View Commons

If you are an instructor and your institution is participating in Canvas Commons, you can access Commons with the Commons link.

View Help

View Help

To get help with Canvas, click the Help link. Select the help option that is relevant to your needs.

Note: Depending on your user role and institution settings, the Help menu may display different options.

Collapse Global Navigation Menu

To expand or collapse the Global Navigation menu, click the Arrow icon.

The Global Navigation Menu will be automatically collapsed for tablet screens.