How do I ask a question in the Instructure Community?
Question forums are the most common place to ask questions related to Instructure products. Each Instructure product has its own question forum. You may also be able to post questions in other places, such as interest groups.
Community members can answer any questions in the question forums. If you have posted a new question thread, you can mark a reply as an accepted solution. Community moderators can also designate a reply as an accepted solution.
Ask a Question
Ask Question
To ask a question from the Community Question page, fill out the required information on the question post page.
First, type a subject for your question [1]. Be as clear and concise as possible, so people can easily see what you are asking.
Next, select which product you are asking about. This directs your question to the proper question forum and ensures your question will reach the intended audience and receive a relevant answer. To select a product, click the product button [2].
Finally, type the body of your question in the Body field [3]. Be as descriptive as possible, but be sure not to include any personal or sensitive information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, student ID, and birthdays.
You can add links, upload images, and format your post as needed using the text editor toolbar [4].
If you want to attach files to your post, you can use the Attach files section to upload and attach files [5].
If you do not want to receive email notifications when someone replies to your question, click the Email me when someone replies checkbox to deselect it [6].
To publish and post your question, click the Post button [7].
Open Product Page
You can also navigate to the specific question forum for the product or space where you want to post your question.
There are question forums available for each Instructure product, as well as question forums available in groups, hubs, and other spaces throughout the Community.
To view a question forum for a specific product, click the Products menu item [1], then click the name of a product [2].
View Question Forum

To open the question forum for the selected product, click the Ask a Question button.
Ask Question

To ask a question, click the Ask a question button.
Note: You must be logged into the Instructure Community to post a question.
Enter Question

Enter your question in the Subject field [1]. Then click the Check Title button [2].
View Related Questions

A list of related questions may display [1]. To view a related question, click the name of the question [2]. To post your own question, click the Continue and Post button [3].
Enter Question Details

Enter the text for your question in the Body field [1]. You can use the Rich Content Editor icons to format your text [2].
To add a file to your question, drag and drop a file or click the Browse link [3].
To receive email notifications for question replies, click the Email me when someone replies checkbox [4].
If labels have been created for the question forum in which you're posting, you can apply one or multiple labels by click the label's link in the Choose a Label section [5].
You can also add tags in the Message Tags field [6]. Tags can include any terms that are selected by the user who creates the question.
To post your question, click the Post button [7].