How do I create an Instructure Community login without a Canvas account?

Anyone can view and search the Instructure Community. However, in order to participate, you must log in using a Canvas account.

If you do not have a Canvas account, you can create an account through Free for Teacher (FFT). Free for Teacher is a free service that allows users to create and/or participate in Canvas courses.

Open Free for Teacher

Open Free for Teacher

If you do not have a Canvas login, you can create one through Free for Teacher (FFT). Free for Teacher is a free service that allows users to create and/or participate in Canvas courses.

In a browser window, enter

Create Canvas Account

Create Canvas Account

Click the Need a Canvas Account? link.

Sign Up for a Free Account

Sign Up As a Teacher (Free Account)

Click the I'm a Student button.

Enter Canvas Account Creation Details

Enter Canvas Account Creation Details

Enter the following information:

  1. If applicable, enter your join code in the Join Code field.
  2. Enter your full name in the Full Name field.
  3. Enter your username in the Username field.
  4. Enter a password in the Password field.
  5. Re-enter your password in the Confirm Password field.
  6. Enter your email address in the Email field.
  7. Click the checkbox to consent to the terms of use and acknowledge the privacy policy.
  8. Confirm that you are not a robot by completing the Captcha form.

To create your login, click the Start Learning button [9].