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I believe some of you have successfully implemented a Canvas integration with Salesforce. Could you please share some Ideas that you think would best help us achieve this integration in a much convenient way? What are the challenges you encountered? ...

  • 10 Replies

I have created an assignment with Turnitin on Canvas and have a couple students, who weren't able to upload their documents. They have emailed me their papers and I am not trying to figure out how I can upload it so it can join the other submissions.

  • 6 Replies

I broke the 100 mark. YIPPEE!

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

I have a class that has recurring assignments. For example, each week they have to turn in a summary of an article they've read in a publication.Is there a way to create this as a recurring assignment? Create one assignment and have it repeat each we...

  • 6 Replies

Our team has created courses using the Google Drive Integration LTI. First of all, our district is Google App district. We are all about Google and every student has a district Google Drive account.  Logically we have built courses pulling content an...

  • 1 Replies

I have a question about embedding a pdf into a page. I understand how to add a file link, and have that link auto-preview in the page, but my question goes beyond this functionality. When I select 'auto--open', the iframe on the page is limited to a ...

  • 19 Replies

Is there some setting I'm missing? Looking through the threaded discussion posts/replies none of them have a date next to them. Just the initial discussion assignment, when it was posted. If you, as the teacher, open the discussion in SpeedGrader you...

  • 5 Replies

A student submitted a paper to the wrong assignment.  Is there a way to delete the incorrect submission?

  • 21 Replies

HelloWe are currently in the implementation phase. As a private international college of about 500 students and 80 staff, timetables and students are changing constantly throughout the year so CSV uploads isn't a practical solution for us. Groupcall ...

  • 4 Replies

I have a professor that wants to build a "choose your own adventure" course (like the kids books do) with dozens of pages and paths students could take.I was thinking Mastery Paths might be the way to do it but I haven't played around with it much. A...

  • 21 Replies

I'd love to hear some ideas/thoughts on how everyone uses BluePrint and Commons as a tool for providing course build templates and common content across courses.I've recently set up a blueprint course to act as a template for future courses however I...

  • 2 Replies

I want to change the name that people see when I am discussions and other things through canvas. How do I do that?

  • 4 Replies

Some of the images I am uploading show up as broken and do not display. I have tried multiple work arounds like trying to use screen shots, moving my images from the flashdrive to the hard drive, saving as different files like png.  I haven't had any...

  • 38 Replies

Requesting input on experiences with different authoring tools and compatibility with Canvas. Our overall goal is to create branching content to support student directed learningHighly desire cross platform functionEase of use with Canvas - SCORM, Im...

  • 4 Replies

I am not convinced that peer review will work for mei have 6 groups - working remotely; each to submit a video which another group will ask questions , each group to answer questions from others, give feedback to group being  reviewedwill all groups ...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

We are using Google Cloud Assignments exclusively in our course. For almost every assignment, we have one or two students per class where the assignment fails to load. The "wheel" spins for as long as we let it try. We have tried closing the browser,...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 15 Replies

Description of the Bug:I have multiple sections in the grade book. Specifically, I have a section called Level 9 and Level 4. When show "all sections" is selected only the level 9 sections will show. When I select show "Level 4" nothing pulls up at a...

  • 7 Replies

I was writing a text entry for a school assignment. I left for a while, came back, and completed my text entry. However, after I clicked submit, I was told that my login had timed out and so my entry could not be submitted. Then my entire entry was g...

  • 34 Replies

Hi thereI have had a request from a teacher to create a qualification Home course and then use this Home course to link out to separate courses. The separate courses would be each individual units of the qualification. I thought I would ask this grou...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

SpeedGrader is not saving all of my comments written in a Magic Pencil on the .docx of .doc files students are submitting for grading.  About half of the comments at the bottom of the page are lost.  How do I make sure all of my comments on students'...

  • 29 Replies

When using a rubric it used to populate the score from the rubric once complete into speedgrader..  Now this functionality is not working on existing rubrics.  It is only working on new rubrics.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

  • 13 Replies

I'm curious how others have incorporated captivate learning interactions like drag and drop into canvas courses.  I've been on a rabbit trail looking specifically for how to import a drag and drop activity into one of our courses, but there doesn't s...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 11 Replies

I was wondering if there are any variables we can work with in Canvas such as date, course title, student name, etc..One thing we are doing is a static footer on every page with our copyright text. I was hoping we could change this to a dynamic date ...

  • 7 Replies

Hi all! I hope you don't mind me popping in, I have instructional design experience, but only briefly, at my previous job. I'm now working for a tiny liberal arts college and as I was researching the trend in instructional design I encountered an int...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 47 Replies

Several students had an issue of not being able to complete a quiz that was transporte/imported from Etudes.  I fixed the question in the quiz and it displays properly on my computer.  Then I tried it from my iPad and my Samsung tablet.  In both case...

  • 5 Replies

How do you add a signature line in the Canvas email 

  • 25 Replies

I was commenting on a discussion post and when I hit submit, my post disappeared.  The discussion post had locked at midnight but I didn't realize my post had a time limit, so when i hit submit it disappeared.  Is it gone forever or is it somewhere o...

  • 6 Replies

Has anyone had issues with SpeedGrader reformatting Word documents? It seems like I have several students whose essays are being negatively reformatted by SpeedGrader. I'm just telling them to turn it in as a PDF for the time being, but is there anot...

  • 3 Replies

Is it possible to autoplay and/or loop a video using a function in canvas or html?

  • 9 Replies

Is there a way to add the Test Student to a group (or create a Test Group), so that as an instructor I can see the functionality that the students can see and use?

  • 11 Replies