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Just accidentally uploaded my Discussion board post as a reply to another student instead of replying to the main thread. I would like to delete this erroneous post to prevent spamming the board but I do not have permissions to do so.

  • 2 Replies

I need to invite a guest to a conference on the Big Blue button.  How do I give them access to a class so they can observe ? Thanks, H

  • 1 Replies

Where do I find the excel sheet to do my Budget Framework assignment for my Bus 117-3162 course? Class Resources Module in Canvas ?  I do not see where I can find this excel sheet; I have viewed many videos, I just do not see where I can access it. I...

  • 1 Replies

I have been posting Announcements all semester, but I was still receiving emails about something I had already posted an Announcement about. I finally asked a couple of classes about it and most of them were unaware that Announcements were being post...

  • 2 Replies

When I give students a timed quiz, and they fail to answer in the time limit, no grade is entered into the gradebook (just a weird notebook symbol). I can't override the notebook and it seems to count as "excused" because it doesn't affect their grad...

  • 1 Replies

Why do I get a 'too long' error message in Canvas when I try to save the page with my daily agenda?

  • 1 Replies

Hi! I am using an aXcelerate and wanted to integrate Canvas. Upon integrating, I see this field called "Canvas Integration Type" and the choices are Assignment Group, Course Moudle, and Course. May I know what are these? Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

I want students to post on a discussion board and then reply to 3 other students posts. Can Canvas allow a different grade for the post and the reply? For example posting on the discussion board is 25% and replying to 3 posts is 20%. Or can this be w...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to create an LTI RCE integration.Followed this guide generate the return url similar to this :https...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My team just starting building in New Quizzes. When I send the other teachers a quiz I've built and they publish to their students, students get a message that says "There is a problem with this assessment please contact your instructor." Does anyone...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How are other instructors handling inactive student's in groups? Right now instructors have to expand their groups to find them and manually remove them from a group. They take the place of active students and the instructor has to manually remove th...

  • 1 Replies

Why is Canvas automatically awarding points for students who've not submitted assignments? I have 2 different assignments where this has happened. I haven't even looked submissions in SpeedGrader.

  • 1 Replies

Hello!I only see Canvas guides for new quizzes, etc.Is there a PDF guide for an instructor so they can edit a course where they could edit a pre-existing course survey to start earlier? I'm assisting an instructor, and he is wanting me to help him fi...

  • 1 Replies

I need to sedndd a picture of my i need to know how to upload it 

  • 1 Replies

I want to have different versions of the same test (questions and answer choices scrambled) so that no students at the same desk have the same version. However, I want several students in the class to have the same version so that they can work in gr...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, I have a student who has accidentally dropped the course. While we are struggling with re-adding her, I wanted to give her access to the canvas site again, but her name is not on my people list (to re-set her as active). When I attempted to r...

  • 5 Replies

When editing the heading and/or content of a Page, Canvas is duplicating that heading/content and replacing a different Page in the same Course but different Module with that same content. I cannot edit the content back to its original because it the...

  • 3 Replies

I am new to Canvas and am looking to build-out around 40 courses. I would like to use a Blueprint in order to ensure the same layout/brand-consistency page-to-page and course-to-course (School Header/Footer, etc). These courses will all be different ...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

There has been a change in how "unread" applies to a message.When an inbox message is clicked on, the button should change from blue to white, meaning it should be marked as "read". Then I can change or mark it "unread" if needed. Now, this does not ...

  • 12 Replies

My professor gave us an assignment to do, watch a youtube video through a link on the assignment and then answer the questions. First, the video did not work in the window on Canvas which was fine, I went to YouTube with the link and watched it. But ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi in my canvas my government class does not appear I am not able to look at files that I have been sent and I have a test coming up and really need it .

  • 1 Replies

I've received a request/question from an instructor about quiz submissions made by students. Are students allowed to see the responses they've submitted to quizzes that are set to be manually graded? They don't need to be able to make changes to them...

  • 1 Replies

I am a student and accidentally submitted a student survey. Meant for my English dual credit class for my Anatomy and Physiology class, and I can't find where to unsubmit or edit my student survey. So how can I unsubmit or edit a student survey respo...

  • 1 Replies

I accidentally submitted my midterm too soon and I cant go back. I was typing my essay and finished it early by accident. Can yall open it back up and I edit it or do I have to retake the entire midterm?

  • 1 Replies

I love using the Outcomes feature with Canvas quizzes- but how do I give a quiz on paper and then add the data to the student's Outcomes?For example, I'm giving a punctuation quiz on paper. I want to note the outcomes for each student on Canvas. How ...

  • 1 Replies

I have created a Home page which is a resource for faculty. On this page there are several icons I made w/the icon maker tool. I cannot figure out how to space the icons out evenly so they are not right next to each other. Do I need to add padding or...

  • 1 Replies

My Canvas is not populated with any of the courses I have registered for. How do I access course material?! Thank you

  • 1 Replies

We noticed that in some courses suddenly the profile pictures of students are missing in Attendance view (they are still visible in Course menu - Persons). These pictures were previously visible.Is this something changed in a release, or is this a se...

  • 1 Replies

I need to add a user who can view course material for all the courses but not change anything. Can anyone please help with this?

  • 3 Replies