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Office 365 is not responding to Canvas. That is my error message when creating an assignment. I created it in Word and want to assign it in Canvas. Just started acting up this past week.  I have made the assignment in Google and Edge browsers but nei...

  • 1 Replies

We need a way to automatically reduce students' final grades for unexcused absences.  The roll call tool doesn't allow for grade deductions and is based on a percentage vs straight deduction point/s.  We tried a workaround that adjusted the final gra...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to make the student watch at least 60% of the video - then completion will be enabled? 

  • 1 Replies

Are announcements available to a specific group or every group? is there any way to send announcements to individual groups within a course?

  • 3 Replies

We have a district of students that are not able to submit assignments using the Google Assignments LTI integration as of Monday.It keeps saying that their domain does not allow files to be shared outside the domain. We have cross-referenced the doma...

  • 2 Replies

I'm a training manager, and we use Canvas for employee training. I am looking for a report that shows me the names of my course participants, with columns for each activity in a course (modules or quizzes) and the date on which each participant compl...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Quiz : editing a possible answer in Multiple choice as well as Multiple answer- when clicking on the pencil to edit it takes me to the top of the quiz not giving me the option to edit. This does not happen all the time but it is happening often enoug...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to assign training videos to staff and track them? Is there a certificate showing proof the module was completed? Is there a list of recommended videos for first time canvas users? As a first time admin, is there a video that will teac...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know when and if  New Quizzes will be getting a "question group" functionality as used in Old Quizzes for the circumstance below ? Specific use case:  In old quizzes, you can separate a test/quiz into different sections. A professor would...

  • 1 Replies

When creating a quiz in new quizzes, how do I create question groups that draw randomized number of questions from pool?

  • 1 Replies

In reviewing reports generated in the New Analytics Online Attendance, coming across the issue that there are numerous duplicates of the same student. In fact some students have more than 10 occurrences, same info and cannot explain why? I have attac...

  • 1 Replies

For this feature to work in Canvas, must the teacher and students use the same google network?  For example, our teachers use our vendor's google drive and the students we teach use their school district google drive.  Do the sharing, copying, etc. f...

  • 1 Replies

I recently imported some additional content to my course. My grade book stopped working correctly as soon as I did, and I lost all my final grade calculations. I have since deleted that content and my grade book still have assignments that were delet...

  • 1 Replies

is there any way to sort grades by submitted or not? I want to go in and just grade a few early submissions and want to do a column sort by submitted or not. The pre-programmed sorts won't sort by submitted or not.

  • 5 Replies

Hello, I enter some manual grades on Mindtap, and I thought that the grades will show automatically on the Gradebook (Canvas). However, it didn't happen this way. The column with the "Mindtap Assignments category with percentages keeps empty". What s...

  • 1 Replies

I searched, and if I missed it I apologize. I'm writing the LTI Advantage portion of our integration.  If the Tool creates the lineitem, a gradebook item and assignment is created.  Currently when I create the assignment, it is automatically publishe...

  • 1 Replies

I have found that students are no longer able to see feedback information on graded assignments after the assignment close date.  We use the open/close feature to automatically apply late deductions on assignments past the due date but to not allow s...

  • 2 Replies

I am following the OAUTH flow, getting the code, then using that to get an access token.  However, the access token I get back does not work.  I have a feeling I am doing something wrong here, but am unclear what.  I have looked for other similar iss...

  • 2 Replies

I am attaching a video of the following: When previewing a quiz, I select the answers and click "Submit Quiz" which then causes the page to refresh infinitely. See the video attached. I have noticed this bug since a long time now but never really rep...

  • 7 Replies

I am trying to find Microsoft Teams in canvas so i can see which groups i am assigned into but i cannot find it. my professor said this "Go to your Microsoft Teams page for your team" but i cannot find it.

  • 2 Replies

I have only two options in gradebook - enter as points or enter as percentage. I have selected 'enable course grading scheme' in settings but it is not showing for one assignment in gradebook (it is showing for the first assignment). What do I need t...

  • 2 Replies

My courses don't have an "unpublish/publish" button in the top corner. So how do I unpublish?

  • 3 Replies

As a student that suffers from perfectionism, I wanted to ask if there is any possibility to change and/or remove old nicknames from past enrollment courses. I found out that I can change the colors of old courses on the calendar tab, but nicknames w...

  • 13 Replies

Hello!  I'm having a really strange problem. Midway through this quarter, I was assigned a class. I set up different grade categories on PowerSchool for this class, and they showed up, and my grades are synching just fine for my new class...however, ...

  • 1 Replies

I have a student who is receiving multiple unwanted text notifications every day. She has all notifications  turned off, and she has removed her phone number from "Other Contacts" in settings. Still the text notifications persist. Any suggestions on ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I'm new to Canvas and trying to set up a course that includes both live events such as a webinar and assignments such as quizzes. For both types I want to set time slots e.g. from 10.00 am to 11.00 am and I want these time slots to appear on both...

  • 6 Replies

Hello, I can see a variation of this question has been asked a lot, but I still can't get this to work. How do you allocate an assignment for a sub-set of users. Note not a Group assignment, but assign to a Group. This video indicates this is possibl...

  • 6 Replies

We have a Categorization question. The categories are Subject and Verb. The correct answers are chosen. When displaying the distractors we want them to show in the order they display in the question stem, not by capitalized words alphabetically and t...

  • 13 Replies

I have created a Quiz (Classic) and students have completed it. I want to use that Quiz to create a Test Bank. Can I move all questions from a Canvas quiz into a new Text Bank? If not, what do I do?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, We are looking to setup OneRoster Grade Passback into our SIS. My understanding is this is API driven. I am unable to find any documentation on where to set this up on the Canvas Side, (IE were to put the url to our OneRoster API, etc) Does an...

  • 2 Replies