Tools and functionality to help instructors or designers build engaging courses


Theme Overview

Enable templates, customizations, support new content types to create engaging courseware

What value could this provide to users?

  • Instructional designer:
    • Able to use a SCORM as a plug-in in the RCE toolbar and add it as an assignment in all the courses
    • Able to use image editing options and add responsive images to the RCE
    • Able to choose from pre-templated content themes in the RCE
    • Able to add an option to set the border collapse tag to collapsed or separate in border properties, so users can make use of cellspacing without needing to edit HTML codes.
    • Able to use a native course evaluation tool in Canvas
    • Able to export a text version of a course outline in Modules
    • Able to set a front page for every module as a dynamic home page
    • Able to add internal prerequisites within modules based on completion of all the activities under headers
    • Able to add pre-designed native HTML elements in the RCE that can be readily slotted into pages

Referenced Ideas (18)

Commenting on Themes is available when Themes are Open for Voting, In Development, or Prioritized.