How do I create a blog post in the Instructure Community?
You can create a blog to share your personal experiences and expertise with Instructure products and offer insights from your unique perspective.
Community members can post blogs in most Instructure Community Groups and in some role- or product-specific blogs, such as the Instructor blog or Impact user blog. Please do not create duplicate posts in multiple groups. Also remember that blogs are meant for sharing thoughts, experiences, stories, tips and tricks, and other similar content. Blogs are not a place to post idea conversations or questions about using a product.
Instructure reserves the right to remove any blog content that does not meet our Community guidelines.
Open Group
You can create a blog post to members-only groups, as long as you are a member of that group.
Open the group in which you'd like to add your blog by clicking the Groups menu [1] and selecting the group link for the group where you want to post [2].
Note: Some private or hidden groups may not allow members to create blog posts.
Join Group

If you are not already a member of the group, you may need to click the Join Group Hub button to join the group. You may not be able to post in a group if you have not joined the group.
View Blog Tab

In the Group Feed section, click the Blog tab [1]. To write a new blog post in the group, click the Write a Blog Post button [2].
View Blog Page

If you don't see the Write a Blog Post button, you may need to start a new article from the blog page. Navigate to the blog where you want to write a new blog post.
In a group, you can usually find a link to the group's Blog page in the Contents sidebar section. In the Contents sidebar section, click the Blog link.
Create New Article

From the Blog page, click the New Article link in the Blog Dashboard sidebar section. If you do not see the New Article link or the Blog Dashboard sidebar section, you do not have permission to write a blog post in this group.
Add Content

Type your blog title in the Subject field [1].
To add a teaser for your blog, use the Teaser field [2].
Enter blog content in the Body field [3].
You can add attachments to your blog by browsing your computer files or by by dragging and dropping files into the Blog Attachment section [4].
If labels have been created for the group in which you're posting, you can apply one or multiple labels by click the label's link in the Choose a Label section [5].
To add tags to your blog, type the tags you'd like to use in the Article Tags field [6].
To add a cover photo to your blog, click the Add Photo icon [7].
Select Settings

You can select the following settings:
- Email me when someone replies [1]
- Do not allow anyone to tag this article [2]
- Do not allow anyone to give kudos to this article [3]
Publish Blog Post

To schedule publication for a future time, click the Schedule publication checkbox [1].
To immediately publish your blog post, click the Post button [2].
To save your work as a draft, click the Save Draft button [3].