How do I like a reply in a course discussion as a student?
You may be able to like discussion replies in your course.
Note: The liking feature may be restricted to users with grading permissions (e.g. instructors and TAs). If you cannot like a discussion reply, this feature is not available to you.
00:07: How do I like a reply in a course discussion as a student? 00:11: In course navigation click the discussions link 00:15: Click the title of the discussion 00:18: Locate the reply and click the like icon. 00:21: The like icon will change Colour indicating you have liked the reply. 00:25: The like icon also displays the total number of times a reply has been liked. 00:31: This guide covered how the like a reply in a course discussion as a student.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Open Discussion

Click the title of the discussion.
Like Discussion Reply

Locate the reply and click the Like icon.
View Liked Discussion

The Like icon will change color, indicating you have liked the reply. The Like icon also displays the total number of times a reply has been liked.