How do I use my webcam to take a photo for an assignment submission in Canvas?
You can use your computer's webcam to take a photo and use it as your assignment submission. Submission photos are saved to the Submissions folder in your user files as a PNG file.
Note: If your instructor limits file types for an assignment submission, you may not be able to use your webcam to submit your assignment.
00:00: How do I use my webcam to take a photo for an assignment submission using Assignment Enhancements? 00:06: Open the assignment by selecting it in the To Do list, Assignments, Modules, Calendar, or Grades. 00:14: You can review any assignment details left by the instructor or the rubric if one is attached. 00:20: Choose the Upload submission type to use your webcam and take a picture of your submission. 00:25: Select the Webcam Photo button. 00:28: If prompted by your browser to allow Canvas to access your camera, click Allow. 00:34: Capture a photo using your webcam by clicking the Take Photo button. 00:39: To retake the picture, click the Start Over button. 00:43: Capture another photo using your webcam. 00:46: When you have an acceptable image, select Save to save the photo you have taken. 00:51: Submit your assignment by clicking the Submit Assignment button. 00:55: When the submission is successful, you may see confetti, and the Progress Tracker will display Submitted. 01:01: This guide covered how to use my webcam to take a photo for an assignment submission using Assignment Enhancements.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Select Assignment

Click the title of the assignment.
Start Assignment

Click the Start Assignment button.
Use Webcam

To take a picture with your webcam and submit the image, click the Use Webcam button.
Enable Webcam

If your browser prompts you for access to your computer's camera, click the Allow button.
Take Photo

To take a photo using your computer's webcam, click the Take Photo button.
Submit Photo

To use the photo you took as your assignment submission, click the Use This Photo button [1]. To retake the photo, click the Try Again button [2].
View Photo

You can preview your photo in the File Upload tab [1]. To remove the photo from your submission, click the Delete icon [2].