How do I know when my assignment has been submitted in a course using Assignment Enhancements?
If Assignment Enhancements is enabled in your course, you can view an assignment to verify your assignment submission.
All file submissions also appear in your personal unfiled folder.
- If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may not be enabled in your course or your instructor may not have used a supported assignment type. Please view this guide for more information.
- Assignment Enhancements does not support Cloud Assignments.
00:07: How do I know when my assignment has been submitted in a course using assignment enhancements? 00:13: In course navigation click the assignments link 00:17: Click the assignment name. 00:20: The progress tracker displays the assignment submission status. 00:22: I successfully submitted assignment displays a submitted status. 00:28: Additionally, you can view your most recent submission 00:32: If you choose you may resubmit another version of your assignment using the new 00:36: attempt button. 00:38: If you submitted multiple assignments submissions, you can view previous submissions 00:42: by clicking the attempt drop down. 00:45: To add an assignment comment for your instructor click the add comment button. 00:50: If your assignment has been graded by your instructor, you can do the score for each 00:54: attempt in the attempt score field. 00:57: If your assignment has been graded without a submission you can view your score 01:01: in the offline score field. 01:04: This guy covered how to know when an assignment has been submitted Ina course 01:08: using assignment enhancements.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

Click the assignment name.
View Assignment Status
The Progress Tracker displays the assignment submission status. A successfully submitted assignment displays a Submitted status [1].
Additionally, you can view your most recent submission [2].
If you choose, you may resubmit another version of your assignment using the New Attempt button [3].
If you've submitted multiple assignment submissions, you can view previous submissions by clicking the Attempt drop-down [4].
To add an assignment comment for your instructor, click the Add Comment button [5].
- If you're not able to resubmit work, your instructor may have limited the number of allowed submissions or the assignment may no longer be accepting submissions due to the assignment's availability dates.
- Once you've submitted your work, the assignment will still display in the Assignments page and the Syllabus.