How do I submit a Microsoft Office 365 file as an assignment submission using Assignment Enhancements?
If your course has enabled Microsoft Office 365 and Assignment Enhancements, you can upload a file from your Microsoft OneDrive for an assignment.
Files uploaded from Office 365 are added to your Canvas user files submissions folder.
Canvas accepts Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and PDF types.
- If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, Assignment Enhancements may not be enabled in your course or your instructor may not have used a supported assignment type. Please view this guide for more information.
- If the Microsoft Office 365 submission type does not display, your instructor has not installed the app in your course.
- Canvas will require you to authorize access to your OneDrive account.
- You can only attach one file for your submission.
- When Office 365 files are uploaded as a submission, changes later made to the file in OneDrive will not be updated in the submission.
- Assignment Enhancements does not support Cloud Assignments.
- If your instructor has created an External Tool assignment, the Assignment Submission page may appear differently depending on the tool.
- Canvas does not support file uploads larger than 5 GB.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Note: You can also access your Assignments through your user or course dashboard, the Syllabus, Gradebook, Calendar, or Modules.
Open Assignment

Click the name of the assignment.
Select Submission Type

If your instructor allows multiple submission types for the assignment, accepted submission types display in the Choose a submission type section [1].
You can add an Office 365 URL submission using the Web URL button [2].
Alternatively, if the Microsoft Office 365 LTI has been added to your course, you can upload an Office 365 file using the More button [3].
Submit Office 365 URL
To add an Office 365 URL as your assignment submission, click the Web URL option in the Choose a submission type section [1].
Create a shareable URL for your Office 365 file.
Then, in Canvas, add the shareable website URL to the Enter Web URL field [2].
Once added, your website URL will be saved as an assignment submission draft.
To preview your URL in a new browser tab, click the View icon [3].
Note: If a shareable link is not created, your instructor will not have permission to view your file.
Submit Office 365 File

To upload a Microsoft Office 365 file as your assignment submission, click the More option in the Choose a submission type section [1].
Then click the Microsoft Office 365 option [2].
Note: If the Microsoft Office 365 option does not display, your instructor has not installed the app in your course.
Submit Assignment

To submit your Office 365 file or URL as your assignment submission, click the Submit button [1].
If you are working on an additional assignment attempt, you can cancel your submission by clicking the Cancel Attempt button [2].
View Submission
When your submission is successfully submitted, the Progress Tracker displays a Submitted status [1] and your most recent submission displays [2].
If you choose, you may resubmit another version of your assignment by clicking the New Attempt button [3].
If you've submitted multiple assignment submissions, you can view previous submissions by clicking the Attempt drop-down [4].
To add an assignment comment for your instructor, click the Add Comment button [5].
- If you're not able to resubmit work, your instructor may have limited the number of allowed submissions or the assignment may no longer be accepting submissions due to the assignment's availability dates.
- Once you've submitted your work, the assignment will still display in the Assignments page and the Syllabus.