How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?

You can see comments from your instructor in the Grades page. Most comments are located in the assignment sidebar.

Your instructor may also leave comments in your assignment submission as annotations. Learn how to view annotation feedback comments.

Open Grades

Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.

View Assignment Comments

Locate the assignment and click the Comment icon [1]. View the comments in the assignment [2]. For each comment, you can view the author, date, and time of the comment [3].

To view the assignment details, click the Feedback icon [4].

View Comments

View Comments

Any instructor comments added to your submission, as well as any comments added by you, appear in the Feedback portion of the sidebar [1]. These comments can be text comments, media comments, or attached files.

To view a media comment, click the Play button [2]. To control the volume, speed, and size of the media player, click the Volume, Captions, Settings, and Full Screen buttons [3].

To open an attached file, click the file name link [4].

If your assignment includes a rubric [5], your instructor may also leave comments in the rubric. The Show Rubric link displays an indicator if comments have been added in a rubric [6].

Open Assignment

Your assignment submission also displays comments. Click the title of the assignment.

View Annotated Comments

If you submitted the assignment with a file upload, your instructor may have included annotated feedback in your assignment.

On the Submission Details page, files that support annotations display a View Feedback link next to the submission [1]. If annotated comments have been added to an assignment, the View Feedback link displays an indicator [2]. Learn more about how to view annotated comments.

While viewing submission details, you can also view media comments by clicking the Play icon [3] or view attached files by clicking the file name link [4].

Add Comment

When viewing comments from your instructor, you can also leave your own comment in the Add a Comment area.