How do I view Pages as a student?

You can view Pages in your course through the Pages Index page or through Modules.

Note: If you cannot view the Pages Course Navigation link, your instructor has hidden the link in your course. Additionally, you will also not be able to view the View All Pages button If your course includes a Front Page.

00:07: How do I view Pages as a student? 00:10: In course navigation click the pages link 00:14: Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course if there is a front page 00:18: selected. To view the pages index click the view all pages 00:22: button. 00:24: The pages index will list all the pages in the course. 00:26: Click the title of the page you want to view. 00:30: You may also be able to view pages in modules in course navigation. 00:34: Click the modules link. 00:37: Each module can contain files discussions assignments quizzes 00:41: and other Learning Materials the instructor decides to add. 00:45: Course pages are indicated with a document icon depending on how your 00:49: course is set up. You may not be able to view module items that have a prerequisite 00:53: requirement. 00:56: This guide covered how to view Pages as a student.

View Pages

View Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.

Note: If the Pages link is not available in Course Navigation, you can access course pages through the Modules page.

View All Pages

View All Pages

Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. To view the Pages index, click the View All Pages button.

View Pages Index

View Pages Index

The Pages index will list all the pages in the course. Click the title of the page you want to view.

View Modules

View Modules

You may also be able to view pages in Modules. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.

View Modules Index

View Modules Index

Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials the instructor decides to add. Course Pages are indicated with a document icon. Depending on how your course is set up, you may not be able to view module items that have a pre-requisite requirement.