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How do I create a quiz in Canvas? 

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As a grade 12 learner I got a notification that says to fill out a form on where my location is so that the school may book appropriate venues for my exams and it says I must do so on power school. But I do not know what and where power school I, may...

  • 1 Replies

I’m currently facilitating a course on Canvas in the US, and have to travel to NZ for a month. Will I be able to access my course by using a VPN? 

  • 2 Replies

How do I add a column, such as Attendance/ Extra Credit, etc.?

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I copied the entire course from a previous semester and unpublished the content I did not want to use including some quizzes and assignments. Students were still able to see the old due dates. Then I went on to delete those quizzes and assignments...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there, I'm trying to set up a collaboration, however it won't let me click on more than one or two students' names before the new names I click, replace the old. I then clicked on the 'group' tab, thinking maybe I have to add them all at the same ...

  • 3 Replies

Hi!I grade for 16 people, and like to leave comments using the point annotation tool in speed grader. Students seem to be able to reply to my comments, but I get no notification when they do this. As a result, I only see their replies if I happen to ...

  • 1 Replies

I have an assignment where students need to provide a rubric score but when I look at the student view (and this has also been reported to me from students in the class) that they can not do anything with the rubric (i.e., the comment boxes and score...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I am a student at Santa Ana College and I am having trouble with canvas. I log in and it looks like the main page is glitching. Its blinking with no information for my courses. 

  • 1 Replies

I tried searching for a similar topic and didn't find one. When PDF files are uploaded to Canvas, sometimes they are so large the whole file can't be viewed in the Assignment (or Page or whatever). Students need to scroll left to right to see all the...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to print the Modules, or is there something wrong with my printer?

  • 3 Replies

I accidentally changed attendance in gradebook in canvas to manual.  How to I change it back.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know if there is a way to signify that a course module has been completed by a student?  For example, greying it out or highlighting it? Thank you!!

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I'm working with the API to get the modules using this route: GET /api/v1/courses/COURSE_ID/modulesIt's returning as one of the modules not published. but in the front end, it says the module is published.I don't know what could be wrong here. ...

  • 1 Replies

Text material in the assignments I've created for my students has begun to appear distorted when my students open the assignment.  Sentences lack spacing and paragraphs are broken down. I can't fix  that on my end. My students are saying they have se...

  • 2 Replies

¿ Existe un límite en la cantidad de estudiantes que se puede agregar en Canvas de la versión Gratuita para profesores ? 

  • 1 Replies

First semester I would provide directions or example for the students and it would show up as I typed it.  This semester what the students see and sometimes what I see is words and sentences all mixed up.  It is creating difficulty for all of us as s...

  • 5 Replies

We provide curriculum for several schools using Canvas and would like to organize students by school, even though students from different schools can be enrolled in the same course. Is there a way to do this?We want school admins to be able to see wh...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Notifications can be delivered in a daily summary, which is set to be delivered at 18:00 by default, or a weekly summary which is set to be delivered at saturday between 17:00 and 19:00 by default. Can a user change the time and date for these summar...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to share a Google Earth Project (a .kml file) in Canvas? Any guidance is greatly appreciated! 

  • 2 Replies

Greetings,It seems that I cannot find 'vary points by answer' feature. We are using Canvas open source version. Is there any settings to unlock it?Thank you in advance  

  • 1 Replies

I looked into how to delay an announcement and followed the instructions to check "Delay" under "Options" then choosing a time. However, the instructions in the Instructors Guide and any I found in the question form explain that I should then click o...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

hy what is the difference/relationship between canvas and ulwazi

  • 1 Replies

I am having two issues currently with using the Edpuzzle app within Canvas. 1. When Canvas is pulling the grades over it is giving my students strange scores (ex: 15.01 out of 16). When I go to Edpuzzle the score says 15 out of 16. 2. I have my Canva...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I cannot view comments being made by students in an anonymous peer review assignment. When I click the student who was assigned I get an Unauthorized screen. I am the faculty member teaching the course so have no idea why this would be.

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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If I have an assessment that is already published and make changes, will this automatically go to students that have not already started?

  • 1 Replies

Hello Everyone,I have faculty with courses that involve both individual assignments and groups assignments. I've received multiple notes that faculty get the "Select a Student Group..." message in Speedgrader for individual assignments, and then it a...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hi,There is a link on our left nav bar that points to an external site. I want to change that link but only for this particular page, not all Canvas courses at my college. We have done this before, but we can't remember how we did it. I've been to Se...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

Last year Canvas began populating my To Do list with assessments which needed to be graded that were made using the New Quizzes option.  It was wonderful.Today it appear that this update has been removed.  When students complete a test created under ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I need to remove the assignment that I have submitted and upload another one.  Can you help with this? It says that re submissions are allowed but I can't see what I can do to achieve this.  thanks. 

  • 2 Replies