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Is it possible to hide text in the snippets that appear under announcements, perhaps with CSS? In the attached example, the text under the "Week Two Introduction" says this:"Week TwoMay 23rd - May 27th OverviewIn Week Two, you'll begin working with t...

  • 1 Replies

Ok, folks, a little overwhelmed here. I used gradebook to average biweekly participation grades this semester. one student had an emergency and i told her the 0 for that one class grade would be dropped on averaging. How do I alter the algorithm to i...

  • 1 Replies

2021-2022 was our first year using a locally designed course template, which was enabled by our previous in-house IT person.   We have made one small change to the navigation options in the template for the next school year.    My question is, is the...

  • 2 Replies

I created a question bank and aligned it with an outcome measure.  I used individual questions from this bank in several different quizzes across the semester. In Learning Mastery Gradebook, there is no indication of mastery; the space in each studen...

  • 1 Replies

I moved to a school district that did not have Canvas this school year (2021-2022). Before leaving my previous school district, I did not export my courses thinking there would be now use for those large files. Well... now my new district is adopting...

  • 1 Replies

I use contract grading and complete/incomplete for most of my assignments. Sometimes, I will have the students resubmit an assignment that they have already received a "Complete" on in order to get some extra credit. For example, if they do another r...

  • 5 Replies

I'm not sure why or how, but somehow I created a new course and it doesn't have an attendance option. How do I add that??

  • 3 Replies

My assignment due date is next week. I only wanted a maximum of 1 submission per student and my settings were set as such (limited to 1). A student has accidentally submitted their assignment early and wants the chance to resubmit. How do I let THIS ...

  • 1 Replies

1-The possibility of only one session should be active for the same userwe have a serise problem that when Mid or Final Exam some students give there friend the user name and password and they open canvas and answer the exam becouse the Canvas allow ...

  • 2 Replies

do Canvas assignments already have questions or does the instructor create them

  • 1 Replies

Hi, Instructure team, Could you please help me with the following question?We want to see the progress of the students.Thus, we need to check all the historic grades of an assignment submitted by a student.For example, if a student has handed in an a...

  • 4 Replies

An instructor would like to use the formula below in quiz formula question.if abs(zscore) > = 3This results in an unrecognized token error. Can you use "> =" with the formula question? It would be helpful to know what functions are not supported in a...

  • 3 Replies

If a classic quiz is used in a path, the mastery path breakdown shows up on the right side of the screen when you click on the quiz.   When a new quiz is used, I can't find the masterypath breakdown.  Does it exist? Thanks,

  • 1 Replies

Our school district has been using Respondus Lockdown Browser with our Chromebooks for over a year. It continues to offer poor results, with some students never being able to access their quizzes/tests and the distribution is always random. That, amo...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I recently commented on a Discussion Post for one of my courses on Quercus. However, after posting, I was not assigned another student to peer review. I know I am either supposed to recieve a notification or email from Quercus assigning me anothe...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I am currently trying to find an easier way to implement an attendance policy. We use the Roll Call Attendance feature to track students. A small portion of the student's grade is attendance, and it is worth x amount of points daily, with two b...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hello, Canvas now requires the use of backticks to create the blanks for the Fill in the blank questions on the new exams. The problem is that when using in Spanish to write the answer, the system does not accept the word if it has an accent in it. I...

  • 5 Replies

Why can we delay posting an announcement but can't set an ending date and time?

  • 4 Replies

Hi Everyone! I have looked on many of the forums on this website and trying to figure out how to mass delete messages in the Canvas inbox. I have tried clicking on the first message and then holding shift and clicking on the last message but it does ...

  • 12 Replies

Hello! My university is migrating a course from Moodle to our Canvas implementation and I have a question to see if I can save a bunch of time. The course is 41 chapters long broken into 10 blocks.Block 1-Chapter 1-Chapter 2 Block 2-Chapter 3-Chapter...

  • 3 Replies

Is it possible to add an email address to the test student? If it is, how do I do it?

  • 4 Replies

I am a college instructor trying to learn to use Canvas . I read in your directions that it is possible to duplicate an event in calendar. I have been trying to figure out how to make an event duplicate. I read your information on this, but did not s...

  • 1 Replies

As a teacher, how do I delete a member from a group who has not contributed?

  • 1 Replies

Can the unread button be moved to a spot that shows all of the time rather than having to scroll to the top.

  • 3 Replies

Hello,I created a question using the "Multiple Dropdowns" option (please see attached). The student will go down the first column and select one of two options in each of the next three columns.  Each column has two options in the dropdown menu: Agre...

  • 1 Replies

My school does not use Canvas, so I am completely unfamiliar with it. When trying to sign up, it is trying to make me be an Admin, even though I am only attempting to use it as a student for this class. Is that correct?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a reason why some of my syllabi produce an amazingly handy navigation/Table of Contents pulldown and sometimes they don't? Thank you. 

  • 3 Replies

My grade book currently gives all of my students an F!I want to change their Total to points. Butthe Total Column only gives me the option of high to low or low to high. Have you changed your menus?Thank you

  • 1 Replies

We are testing some of the accessibility features within Canvas and since the immersive reader will not read pdf's we ae trying to use readspeaker which is an option with our instance.Have others had this issue?

  • 1 Replies

I incorrectly spelled a name when adding a student. Can i fix that without deleting the entire entry?

  • 1 Replies