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I give out bonus assignments as quizzes.  On Skyward the max score is 0 so any points I put into it are automatically bonus.     Unfortunately when I sync this assignment the max score jumps to the number of points they can get.  Is there a way I can...

  • 2 Replies

I hope I am doing rioght if not someone please help.

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How do I change the language settings on my Canvas app for IOS?

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My two exam times conflict, so I have to open two quiz tabs on canvas at the same time. I don't know if I can open another quiz in one quiz time. I've never tried before. But this question is really important to me.

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Is there a way I can move questions from quizzes into question banks so I don't have to re-type them all over again? I've worked intensely on building several quizzes and just learned about question banks. 

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Hi, everyone,  I have had a few instances where my Blueprint courses are synching module items out of order in the associated courses.  I read some documentation on what to expect and saw this section found here:  If modules or module items are rearr...

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I am an instructor in free-for-instructor and I am unable to find the place to edit the name of someone who is a student and has the same email but change their name.

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Canvas Question Forum
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I understand that Canvas can automatically assign peer reviews only to students who have submitted the original assignment, and I understand that I can manually assign peer reviews to students whether they have submitted the original assignment or no...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, everyone! I currently have my agenda doc for my Calculus course embedded in my Canvas homepage. I would love to simply continue to add to this Google doc for the rest of the year and simply update the html in Canvas so that the page for the un...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I started an assignment but then left canvas idle for 10 minutes or so and returned.  After finishing the assignment, I clicked on submit and it made me log back in, which I did, only to find that it completely deleted all my work.  I took a precauti...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have tried to add an event to my canvas calendar and always fill out the screen that pops up. When I click the submit button to add the event, nothing occurs and it just stays on that screen as if I didn't submit anything. I have tried switching br...

  • 1 Replies

I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to this...let's say I upload a PDF document for students to annotate using the "Student Annotation" submission type. Do their annotations auto-save? Are they able to edit them after submitting? I am hes...

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Canvas Question Forum
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In Card View, users can favorite courses that will appear on their dashboard. If nothing is favorited, up to twenty courses are placed on the dashboard. Which ones?

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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The ability to subscribe to the calendars seems nice until you turn it on and it pulls in EVERY class calendar. It seems to me it would make way more sense to be able to subscribe by class than by all. I'd love to see this feature implemented as it c...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I am helping a teacher who is using the new(ish) Student Annotation assignment type in Canvas. We are having an issue where a student will complete their annotations and submit the assignment, but in SpeedGrader, the teacher is unable to see a...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello Everyone, I have a csv file that is extracted from our SIS (Infinite Campus) that triggers the "malformed csv" error message when trying to import with the SIS Import feature in Canvas. I have used the documentation below to make sure that the ...

  • 3 Replies

@canvas Admin's, Can you help us with how you are measuring "active participation" in a course since July' 1st (2021) change from the Department of Education said we can no longer use the last log in date/time stamp to verify students are active in a...

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I make comments on students' documents, but when they look at their essays, they can't immediately see the inline comments. They have to choose Submission Details and then View Feedback. Isn't there a way to make the inline comments automatically vis...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Our focus during the Canvas roll-out for the past few years has been on supporting the academic courses on Canvas. Enrolment and course creation is managed via SIS import.  We are now receiving more and more requests to use Canvas for non-academic co...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,  I have multiple courses with assignments that have a mixture of point and complete/incomplete grades. I want to set-up assignment group weights as exams are weighted not point-based per our department's policy.  The weights in our Canvas vers...

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Canvas Question Forum
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im currently enrolled in a univ in the Philippines and i have to move to Dubai next month. i was wondering if my canvas acc is still accessible even if im in dubai

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As a Canvas admin at my school, I have been asked if there is anyway to prevent our instructors from accessing past courses so that they cannot import/copy them.  We did test the Conclude option but that doesn't prevent them from importing/copying fr...

  • 2 Replies

I created a registration page for a course and the course start date is showing as the date I created the registration page, not as the actual course start date. The course site shows the correct start date and the Course Details tab also has the rig...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi! I wonder, what is the difference between final score and assessment score in speedgrader? I have made I quiz and the final score and assessment score shows different things for some of the students? What is wrong?    

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Canvas Question Forum
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We're currently using the Intelligent Learning Platform / Banner to pass back final grades.  In courses without manual sections it is working however we encountered an issue with courses that have manual sections created (for accommodations).  These ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm new to Canvas, and thought I had created a link in Google Docs, then copied the link to the URL field, and tried to submit the assignment.  After several tries, I still keep getting the "Assignment Failed to Load" memo.  Help, please! Thanks

  • 1 Replies

I am a teacher and have my own child who has CANVAS classes.  How can I use the same teacher account and access/be an observer in my kid's stuff?  

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I am part of a discussion. I have read all the replies that I can see, but on List View, the discussion still shows a blue dot, indicating that there are unread messages. When I click on the discussion, I can see 14/14 read messages. However, when I ...

  • 4 Replies

I like the word bank option in new quizzes fill in the blank questions, and I think it could work well to replace some drag-and-drop matching questions I originally created in Moodle, but I am running into a problem. For each blank in a multi-blank q...

  • 12 Replies